...Administrator Challenges essay Kevin Jackson CJA/454 March 16, 2016 Professor: Charles Davis Administrator Challenges essay In this essay, I will discuss the functional role of the criminal justice administration in the police department. I will also describe what I consider being the major issues and satisfactions of that particular role. Finally, I will discuss if this course helped prepare me? If not, what might improve the course? To understand and comprehend what a criminal justice administrator job functions are we must first define these two words Criminal Justice, Administrator of Criminal Justice and Police Administrator. Criminal Justice – Is the system of law enforcement, involving police, lawyers, courts, and corrections, used for all stages of a criminal proceeding and punishment (Dictionary.Reference 2016). Administrator of Criminal Justice – Is defined as the performance of activities such as detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, post-trial release, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision or rehabilitation of accused person or criminal offenders or the collection, storage and dissemination of criminal history record information (Us. Legal 2016). Police Administrator – Is defined as the process, art, and science of the management, supervision and ethical leadership of a police agency (Us. Legal 2016). In today's world of policing the role of criminal justice, police administrator is a very complex and challenging job...
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...Administrator Challenges essay Kevin Jackson CJA/454 March 16, 2016 Professor: Charles Davis Administrator Challenges essay In this essay, I will discuss the functional role of the criminal justice administration in the police department. I will also describe what I consider being the major issues and satisfactions of that particular role. Finally, I will discuss if this course helped prepare me? If not, what might improve the course? To understand and comprehend what a criminal justice administrator job functions are we must first define these two words Criminal Justice, Administrator of Criminal Justice and Police Administrator. Criminal Justice – Is the system of law enforcement, involving police, lawyers, courts, and corrections, used for all stages of a criminal proceeding and punishment (Dictionary.Reference 2016). Administrator of Criminal Justice – Is defined as the performance of activities such as detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, post-trial release, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision or rehabilitation of accused person or criminal offenders or the collection, storage and dissemination of criminal history record information (Us. Legal 2016). Police Administrator – Is defined as the process, art, and science of the management, supervision and ethical leadership of a police agency (Us. Legal 2016). In today's world of policing the role of criminal justice, police administrator is a very complex and challenging job...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation CJA/ 394 Vicki Jones January 29, 2012 Jill Violanda Parr In society today, we as the people of the society want to be able to feel safe in our community no matter where we are or what we are doing. There should not be any reasoning why we should not feel safe in our own community or our own neighborhood or even in our own homes. We should be able to get up every morning without having to look around and make sure it is safe to leave the bedroom, also we should be able to walk out our front door without having to look over our shoulders to make sure there is not anything or anyone that’s going to harm us. No matter what, in our community we should be able to feel safe from harm. In this essay I am going to evaluate the past, present and the future trends in the interface between components of the criminal justice system and criminal justice connections with surrounding society. I have always heard this phrase, “Whatever is the past is the past so let it stay in the past”. But when we are looking into the past and thinking of how society was then we can always say that we as a community felt safe. Our law enforcement back in the 1800’s was always there to protect us no matter what the situation was. Law Enforcement officers back then were a lot more respectful, they always treated everyone the same and did not so favoritism. Law enforcement officers back then also were always making sure that every neighborhood was safe. They would...
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...West Final Exam Essay Technology in criminal justice is advance faster than we can imagine. With new computer software, GPS tracking devices, and many other electronics there are more tools than ever that police departments have available to them. With new technology comes new problems such as privacy issues that can infringe on people’s rights. New technology can be restricted and these restrictions can determine how effective this new technology is and how it is used. Some concerns that people have with this technology is how they are being monitored with it. Things such as GPS tracking devices that are as small as a pen can be put on anything and can be track no matter where it goes. To some this seems like a great idea to implement it into criminal justice to help police track criminals, but to others this is a new way police can violate our right to privacy. This ethical dilemma can only be regulated by legislation that can restrict the uses of it in law enforcement. This can eliminate this technology from ever being used legally. In my opinion that is something that can restrict new advances in criminal justice. Being able to track suspects without having to perform physical surveillance can help save police money and small GPS trackers can go were officers trailing someone can’t. In my opinion this new technology is a great advancement and should not be halted by legislation. I know that many people disagree with me when I say that I don’t care if I am being track,...
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...Persuasive Essay Paper Jessica Ogunlanoh University of Phoenix April 11, 2010 Paula Brobst Essentials of College Writing/COMM 215 Ending Illegal Immigration Persuasive Essay Paper 1 As Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Unfortunately, none of us can live forever and while eliminating taxes seems like a long shot, we can certainly lower it. To do that, we must have a strong economy. To have a strong economy, we cannot have one of the biggest economic drains in the nation: Illegal Immigrants. There are an estimated number of twenty million illegal immigrants in the United States. These criminals are leeches of our economic system as most of them do not pay taxes. The criminals also drain our economy by taking our jobs. Illegal Immigrants ruin the standard of living for hard-working American citizens and legal immigrants by using our social service programs from OUR taxes. It’s not simply economical issues that make it horrible and preposterous for these criminals to be accepted, it’s moral principle. Illegal Immigrants in general, do not pay taxes. Why is that? These kinds of criminals are virtually invisible to law enforcement. They are undocumented. They don’t have valid birth certificates, social security cards or passports. Since they are about as easy to find as finding Waldo in the bible, they pretty much have simply an option...
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...CJ340 Applied Criminal Justice Ethics Unit 4 Essay The Slippery slope is a term used to describe events that cannot be controlled once started. Gratuities is what pushes officers down the slippery slope path. Delattre (2011) stated “that the slippery slope of corruption begins with any gratuity, including the well-known free cup of coffee” (p.87). Gratuities sometimes lead officers to a lifetime of corruption. It was said that society plays a major role in police corruption. The three theories regarding pubic corruption are Society-at-Large Hypothesis, Structural or Affiliation Hypothesis and the Rotten Apple Hypothesis. Officers are held to a higher standard because they took an oath to protect and serve. When policeman accept gratuities it is seen as morally wrong. Gratuities can come in many forms such as free stuff like coffee, flowers, and other items given for a job well done. Some restaurant owners give a free cup of coffee to officers with the mindset of I scratch your back you scratch mine. “Some clearly want the police presence, but others want illegally parked customers to be left alone, and so on” (Delattre, 2011, p. 87). It was said that “Once an officer gets in the habit of receiving things for free, it is easier to accept a large bribe” (Petrocelli, 2006, p.1). Some officer’s try to justify that accepting a small gratuity is not a conflict in interest when it deals with morals. They say it’s another...
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...Item A The criminal law is thus not a reflection of custom, but a set of rules laid down by the state in the interests of the ruling class, and resulting from the conflicts arising in class structured societies; criminal behaviour is , then , the inevitable expression of class conflict resulting from the exploitative nature of economic relations. Criminality is simply not something that people have or don’t have; crime is not something some people do and others don’t. Crime is a matter of who can pin the label on whom and underlying this socio-political process is the structure of social relations determined by capitalism. Using material from item A and elsewhere asses the usefulness of the Marxist approaches to an understanding of crime and deviance (21 marks) Marxists essentially see crime and deviance as defined by the ruling class and used as a means of social control – if you don’t conform then you will be punished. Institutions such as the police, the justice system, prisons and schools, the family and religion are there to encourage you to conform. They argue that white collar crimes (which tend to be committed by the more powerful in society) are ignored, while crimes committed by the less powerful in society such as burglary and street crime are focussed on and seen as more serious. Marxists would also argue that different social classes are policed differently, with the working class heavily policed in the expectation that they will be more criminal and therefore...
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...Essay 1 The biggest issue causing hesitance in rape victims’ openness about their experience is the shame and humiliation that comes with it. They were taken advantage of, causing extreme psychological damage; and it is often very hard for a victim to come to terms with the rape. Another factor on top of this is that often victims think they will possibly be blamed or disbelieved when they come forward. These unfortunate circumstances cause many rape victims’ hesitance in coming forward about their victimization. Another major problem for many rape victims these days is the mass media sensationalism surrounding the crime. Having your face as the victim of a rape plastered all over many news stations is far from appealing and thus many victims may choose to hide in their shame rather than report the crime. However, not all cases are covered by the media and may not have the “celebrity” status that those covered by the media do. There is still however one major constituent in rape victims’ hesitance to come forward – actually facing their rapist. To bring a rapist to justice in the American justice system, one must go through the necessary legal trials and this process generally takes years. Throughout this time, the victim of the rape will have exposed him or herself to the rapist. And, in the end the victim will have to look their rapist in the eyes as they point them out in court. Rape is taken extremely personally by victims, and they fear their assailant holds the same...
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...Annette Davis Inside Public and Private Policing CJA 500 Survey of Administration & Justice Dr. John Baiamonte, Jr. November 1, 2010 Assignment Write a 1500 to 2000 word paper that compares and contrasts the roles, responsibilities, and differences of public and private policing. Cite at least two scholarly works (articles or books) or government documents. However, your textbook cannot be used as a source. Public policing has been known to have a monopoly on policing until the increased trend of private policing in the United States. Private policing, while emerging as a new industry, is not a new phenomenon and predates the existence of public police as witnessed today (Wilson 1994). Public and private policing have many similarities, as well as differences and the distinction between public and private police are often blurred. Private police look and behave like public police and describing their function often involves a comparison of the activities and responsibilities of the two. Despite the differences, public and private police tend to mirror each other to a certain extent (Nalla & Newman, 1990). The increase of private policing has been in response to many changes in society such as the increase of "mass private property" (Shearing and Stenning, 1983) in the form of large shopping complexes, cinemas, large retail stores and large compound style housing estates or gated communities. These require constant surveillance for the safety of shoppers and residents...
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...1.Which selection(s) should be taken off? 2.What selection(s) would you consider as your favorite? 3.What else do you think should be included in our selections? 4.Any other activities in addition to online discussions? 5.Do you think the course load is appropriate? 6.Do you think you have written a reasonable number of reader’s responses? 7.Should there be more tests or fewer tests? Are they too difficult, too easy, or should they be kept the same? 8.What is your suggestion of the proportion between multiple-choice questions and short essay questions? 9.Do you think the grading is consistent? Do you think the comments on your responses help explain your grades? 10.Do you think the online lectures are helpful? Any suggestions? 11.How would you evaluate the difficulty level of the course? (Hint: 1 = a piece of cake; 10 = as challenging as rocket science) 12.Any suggestions, comments? The Ramayana has enchanted generations of Indians, and this ancient epic continues to fascinate modern readers. Through the centuries it has been retold in the major language of India and Southwest Asia and has been interpreted through theater, dance, and other performance traditions. Valmiki’s telling, written in Sanskrit, is the oldest extant version of the Rama story. In Valmiki’s account, King Dasaratha proclaims his son Rama, son of the senior Queen Kausalya, heir apparent. The jealous Queen Kaikeyi, wishing her own son to rule Ayodhya, demands that Rama be exiled to the forest for...
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..._____________________ Dr. Nadarajan Sethuraju ________________ Date 2 Abstract This alternative plan paper examines the circumstances that have evolved as a result of the Reagan Administration’s War on Drugs and the increase of mass incarceration of the Black community. In the last thirty years, the federal government of the United States of America has engaged in campaign known as the “War on Drugs,” which has involved a variety of policies to stop the production, distribution and sale of illegal narcotics. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent in a war that has targeted the most vulnerable in our society, impacting its youth for generations to come. This alternative plan paper addresses the impact of the War on Drugs and the criminal justice policies that have impacted the life chances of Black youth nationwide and calls for a new social movement, introducing a 21st century Black Youth Manifesto to ask the youth of the Black community to pick up where previous social movements left off and take back their communities, their families, and reclaim their hope for the future. 3 Table of Contents Abstract . . . . Chapter One: Introduction My Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Strain and...
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...The law, nature, sources and importance This discussion is going to focus on a number of issues. Firstly, an outline is going to be given on how the law affects business in a country. From there the importance of business law is going to be deliberated, followed by the nature and sources of law. Finally, a discussion is going to be made on how the law can be improved in a country. The law has many impacts on business. In this discussion the writer discusses three ways in which the law affects business. Generally the law affects business in the following ways: * Protecting the interests of the investors * Protection of the provisions of business contracts * The law regulates the business environment * The law provides guidelines in the employee- employer relations * There are laws on tax * It promotes transparency. Regulating business environment and operations The law provides guidelines and standards in which all businesses must operate. This protects the business from crumpling as much as protecting the consumers. For examples there are laws that require the business to comply with international practices. For example the companies must declare their business deals with the international partners. The government needs to find out if the partnership is in the interest of the investor. Another example of this relates to the need of all business in the country to get registered. In registering businesses certain details are required. This ensures that...
Words: 22656 - Pages: 91
... ________________ Date 2 A bstract This alternative plan paper examines the circumstances that have evolved as a incarceration of the Black community. In the last thirty years, the federal government of the United States of America has engaged in camp which has involved a variety of policies to stop the production, distribution and sale of illegal narcotics. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent in a war that has targeted the most vulnerable in our society, impacting its youth for generations to come. This alternative plan paper addresses the impact of the War on Drugs and the criminal justice policies that have impacted the life chances of Black youth nationwide and calls for a new social movement, introducing a 21st century Black Youth Manifesto to ask the youth of the Black community to pick up where previous social movements left off and take back their communities, their families, and reclaim their hope for the...
Words: 18864 - Pages: 76
...thought after now I know their crime story? When people talk about crime, most people are just basing there story off of something they saw in a movie or something they saw on television. Most of the crimes in movies are; assault, bribe, armed robbery, manslaughter, or racketeering, just to name a few. For example the movie “Public Enemies” starring Johnny Depp, it portrays a rough outline of the infamous John Dillinger and his gang. When I first saw this movie I was amazed because the story that they showed wasn't at all what I expected, I expected to see all major crimes take place one after another and grueling shootouts the whole movie but they showed his kind and calm side and it actually turned out to be a great movie. Another example of crime and the movies but on the other side of the law would be any of the “X-Men” series. These people may be mutants but most of them use their gifts for good rather than break the law. A classic example would be “Robin Hood”, he broke the law only to help those in need. (rottentomatoes.com) There are other examples where crime and the movies coexist on both sides of the law, whether it would be cheering for the good guy or cringing when a killer kills their victim, movies cannot show you the whole story and cannot show you the real justice system. During my research I came across this essay called “Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime?” (Dahl & DellaVigna, 2006) an excerpt from the essay caught my attention because I believe it is...
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...Mirjan Damaška, Sterling Professor of Law at Yale Law School and a prominent authority for many years in the fields of comparative law, procedural law, evidence, international criminal law and Continental legal history. Professor Damaška’s work is renowned for providing new frameworks for understanding different legal traditions. To celebrate the depth and richness of his work and discuss its implications for the future, the editors have brought together an impressive range of leading scholars from different jurisdictions in the fields of comparative and international law, evidence and criminal law and procedure. Using Professor Damaška’s work as a backdrop, the essays make a substantial contribution to the development of comparative law, procedure and evidence. After an introduction by the editors and a tribute by Harold Koh, Dean of Yale Law School, the book is divided into four parts. The first part considers contemporary trends in national criminal procedure, examining cross-fertilisation and the extent to which these trends are resulting in converging practices across national jurisdictions. The second part explores the epistemological environment of rules of evidence and procedure. The third part analyses human rights standards and the phenomenon of hybridisation in transnational and international criminal law. The final part of the book assesses Professor Damaška’s contribution to comparative law and the challenges faced by comparative law in the twenty first century. Crime...
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