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Why Is Bill Clinton Bad

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William J. Clinton or more formerly known as Bill Clinton was the 42nd President Of The United States. Bill Clinton did good things as time as the President Of The United States but he was possibly one of the most corrupt and damaging Presidents ever, with some examples such as the affair with Monica Lewinsky, the sexual harassment charges from Paula Jones, and charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.
In 1970 William entered law school. He graduated and got his degree in 1973. Around this time William Clinton also worked on the U.S. Senate campaign of Joe Duffy. Near the end of Bill Clinton’s studies, he also worked the Texas campaign of the Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern. After that Bill went back home to Arkansas.
When William Clinton went back home he started teaching law and the University of Arkansas, which is when William decided to go back into Politics running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Clinton ended up losing against incumbent Republican John Paul Hammerschmidt in 1974. This was one of the closest elections for Hammerschmidt in the 26 years he was in congress making Clinton a huge political …show more content…
Bill Clinton and Monica had many sexual encounters including some in the Oval Office. In 1997 Monica Lewinsky transferred to the Pentagon and started having conversations with an older coworker by the name of Linda Tripp. She then started secretly recording all of Monica’s conversations with her about her sexual relations with President Clinton. President Clinton has already had a history with sexual misconduct allegations with a woman by the name of Paula Jones in 1994 who was paid Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars to drop all sexual harassment charges against President

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