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Why Is It Important To Check Medication Orders?

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Hi Lori, great post. I agree with you that all medication orders should be checked prior to administration to avoid any error from occurring. When I was a graduate nurse many, many years ago the first things that the nurses on my unit did after taking report from the previous shift was to check all physicians orders. We also would check that the ward clerk entered all the medication orders correctly in the medication book. After all the physician’s orders were checked, the nurse would then sign off on the orders. Back then everything was hand written. I held many medications while I spent several hours contacting physicians to clarify a medication order that was not legible. We did not have the availability of electronic medical records.

Electronic medical records (EMR) are currently being utilized by many health care providers, hospitals and health care organizations. This is currently being utilized to reduce the repetitive paperwork, and lower organizational costs. By utilizing the EMR system, the data collected is now legible as compared to paper records and in doing so; medical errors …show more content…
Medication information and orders are electronically entered into the system. This information is immediately available to the pharmacy and also to the nursing departments. The pharmacist will then check the ordered medication for any allergies, drug interaction and for incorrect dosage errors. After the medication is packaged, the pharmacist will then put a barcode label on the medication and then it is sent to the nurse. Prior to administering the medication the nurse will scan the medication label to assure the medication and dose is correct, they the patient wristband is scanned. The use of this system helps decrease medication errors.

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