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Why We Choose the Careers We Choose


Submitted By juliephelps
Words 260
Pages 2
Statement of purpose

Social work programs are becoming a larger section with ib the working field. Addiction is now recognized as a disease. This disease is fatal if left untreated. While obtain to research employment opportunities and obtaining as much information regarding the treatments of addiction. Being able to completely understand and relate to addicted individuals to be able to counsel and helping patients that are suffering from the bondage of drug and alcohol addiction.

As the National Institute on Drug Addiction stated: “drug addiction is a complex illness characterized by intense and at times uncontrollable drug craving along with compulsive drug seeking and use that persist even in the face of devastating consequence. While the path to drug addiction begins with the voluntary act of taking drugs over time a persons ability to choose to do so becomes compulsive and seeking and consuming the drug becomes compulsive. The behavior results largely from the effects of prolonged drug exposure on the brain functioning”(September, 2009).

Drug and alcohol addiction has become more prominent within the community. Addiction is now identified as a disease. The disease, as well as, other diseases, is manageable. But work will be needed to continue to keep the disease from becoming fatal then without treating the disease of addiction.
This known disease affects the brain and the body. Education, treatment and rehabilitation are needed to help restore the mind, body, and spirit, to be able to keep the disease from advancing to the fatal stage.


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