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Why We Write


Submitted By kchicka9
Words 433
Pages 2
Why We Write Everywhere you look in the world today, you see writing. If it’s graffiti on the walls, the newspaper, words on the TV screen filling you in on missing persons or something that has expressed feelings. People write for all types of reasons. There is always a reason for why it’s important that we write, no matter what type of writing it is.
People write things down to inform people. Newspapers were formed to inform people what is going on around them. If people had not started to write the newspapers, other people would not know what is going on in their communities and across the country.
Another reason why people write is to express their feelings. Poems, songs and graffiti are all types of ways to express their feelings. It is important that we express our feelings through writing because if we couldn’t write to express our feelings, they would possibly bottle up inside us. It is important to write things down because it helps gain knowledge. If scientists had never written down their findings, would we know the things that we know now? We read what they had written down and gained knowledge; and from that knowledge we can progress their findings and make them better. There are all different kinds of reasons why it’s important that we write things down, but we don’t have to write. Writing can also be an impulse, something that we want to do.

If humans had never learned to put pen to paper, then the world might not be as advanced as it is now. We would not know as much as we do now if it were not for pen and paper. If you think all the way back to hylogryphics; if humans had never written them down, we would know nothing of the past. Inventors wouldn’t know what was wrong with the first run of their inventions. Scientists wouldn’t have been able to advance anything. Inventors and scientists would write down what they did the first time they ran something, and when they went to do it again, they could figure out where it went wrong. People wouldn’t stay informed and people would not be able to express their feelings in different kinds of ways. Where would we be in the world today if things were never written down? Humans probably wouldn’t even be able to communicate. The world lives off of things being written down. It is important that we write day to day. No matter what the reason, humans need to write, it’s necessary for life to continue.

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