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Will Be Right Back After Murder Play Analysis

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After being conned, once again, into attending a play starring a family member, I am admittedly apprehensive of ever talking to my relatives again. An interesting spin on the classic play Will Be Right Back After This Murder was performed by Hamilton middle school's theater group in conjunction with the Englewood theater company. A relatively simple set, the entire plate took place in a single room. Four I'll middle school play with no budget the set itself was rather well-built having multiple tiers for different perspective and several well constructed props such as a grandfather clock, surprisingly. Although the paint choice was rather bland, the set itself allowed the audience to truly immerse themselves, cutting out all distractions. It was simple clean and not overly done like some sets can …show more content…
While overburdening the stage can be problematic and distracting, not including enough can be just a distracting. understandably there was little to no budget for the set and adding props would have been an obstacle, something as simple as painted on windows would have nicely broken up the solid beige walls. Starting with a simple explanation of a wealthy businessman, Hampton Bellamy, having been murdered, police captain Bogie gives background information on the comedically complicated death of Mr. Hampton which included electrocution, immolation, stabbing, gun shots, and being run over by a car. Just quickly deduce by the brilliant police chief this is not a suicide… an amazing feat. With all the children of the businessman, his sister, wife, and lawyer, along with the houses maid, the house is put under lockdown by the police with everyone to remain in the living room while an investigation is performed. After a short argument among the children the police captain states that the murderer was stupid leading to Carlton, one of the children, to state "I am not.” Noth thinking as usual, Carlton incriminated himself and lead to his own arrest.

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