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Use Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Is it acceptable to use performance-enhancing drugs? – RE Essay

Performance-enhancing drugs are becoming widely known and used in the world of sport, athletics especially. These drugs are generally used by professional athletes for means of achieving medal positions and/or personal bests in their various races and competitions. There is, however, controversy when it comes to the use of performance-enhancing drugs. There are some who believe that performance-enhancing drugs should be available and allowed to be used in competitions. Sport regulations ban performance-drug use and ensure that athletes are tested to determine that they are not using them. Many religious believers value sport only if it does not involve cheating. All religions …show more content…
• Stimulants (such as caffeine) which boost heart rate, increase alertness and in the short-term reduces tiredness.
• Sedatives (such as beta blockers) which calm nerves and creates steady hands for sports such as tennis or javelin for example.
• Masking Drugs which are used to prevent detection of other illegal drugs that an athlete may have taken.

There are, however, some medical reasons in which an athlete may have to take performance-enhancing drugs in order to continue to participate in their particular sport. For example, if the athlete suffers from High Blood Pressure or Asthma, the sport they participate in may place their body under various stress, which in turn, may higher the chance of harm taking place. ((There are ways, for example, to legally increase the number of red blood cells you have in your body.))

A drug is declared illegal by The World Anti-Doping Agency’s standards if it enhances performance, provides a risk to health, or if it violates the following factors: ethics, fair play and honesty, health, excellence in performance, character and education, fun and joy, teamwork, dedication and commitment, respect for rules and laws, respect for self and other participants, courage and finally community and

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