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Will the Ipod Die?


Submitted By wande
Words 511
Pages 3
In this information age, there are many more intricate technologies being created all the time. Included in these technologies is the “smart phone.” Smart phones have a variety of accessories including internet, e-mail, and many other applications. Because of this growing technology, cell phones can also hold and play music. With the ability to have music on a phone, it is speculated that the iPod may fall off the market. However, there are some aspects of having an iPod that are appealing to consumers so this may not be the case. Some may think that having a “smart phone” would make life much easier. Of course, it would be much more convenient to have all of your technological accessories on one device, but what about the price? Having to pay for your phone service, text messaging, internet and email, music and applications all on a monthly bill could get to be expensive. If you have an iPod separate from your phone, you only have to pay once for it. Without the additional price for extra accessories on a phone, your phone bill will be less each month and you are ultimately paying less for the same services. It may not seem to make a large difference, but in this time of recession, every penny counts. One feature of the iPod that is so attractive to consumers its size. It is small and very portable and that makes it much easier to use. Many people who have their iPod for company for workouts appreciate not having to carry a large device along with them. It is very convenient. The iPod is also very simple to use. The “smart phone” seems advantageous to use but there are so many accessories, besides music, on it to navigate around. For those who are not technologically literate, this may be a nuisance to deal with. Most people want a device that is convenient and easy to use. For those who want to listen to their music without a hassle, the iPod provides

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