...squabble with officer Friendly, Jake scrutinizes another side of himself. Inner Conflict: Cop needs help. Jake needs to make a decision on whether to help the cop or take off running with Travis Ziegler. Jake Ritchie is a small town boy, who needs more to life than school and sports. He and his best friend Travis Ziegler have bad habits that get them into trouble. Jake does not deal with responsibility well. He was setting off bottle rockets with Ziegler, and then took off running when approached by the law. He thinks he is invincible like most teens. He also believes he is above the law, and can get away with murder. Jake enjoys toying with others never taking anything seriously. Jake Ritchie is the main character in the short story, “Officer Friendly.” Jake is a troublesome boy who lives in a small town named Allison Point. Jake is a student athlete with sixteen years under his belt. He plays hockey for his town’s league, along with his best friend Travis Ziegler. By the end of the story, Jake learns to become more responsible for his actions. After the incident when officer friendly collapsed and needed assistance, Jake learned that life is no joke. Jake and Travis are very similar characters in this short story. They are both devious thrill seekers. They are always on the prowl for excitement, but not ordinary excitement. Jake and Travis are into cheap thrills like blowing off bottle rockets, and all they care about is not getting caught. Officer friendly is the antagonist...
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...TITLE:-Re-Fashioning the future eco-friendly apparel OBJECTIVE:-To study the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour towards eco-friendly apparels. Organic clothing refers to apparel made of organic cotton grown without chemical pesticide or fertilizers. Organic clothes not only help in reducing the environmental pollution, but are softer on the skin and hypoallergenic. Organic cotton is anti-fungal, anti allergic and antiodor. Bamboo fiber has anti odor properties. “Even if you wear organic socks for a week, it will not stink and have any harmful effect on skin” Chandni added. LITERATURE REVIEW * In recent years, there has been an influx of eco-friendly apparel by all types of Manufacturers. The apparel industry, like many other industries, is focusing on Sustainability and the use of green products as clothing components. The integration of these eco-friendly items into a normal product mix constitutes little work on behalf of the manufacturer, but requires retailers to educate consumers. It wasn’t long ago that the only companies who were selling items made out of eco-fabric were so-called “tree hugging” or “hippie” retailers. In the last twenty years, this has changed drastically as the use of organic cotton, bamboo, and PET (recycled polyester) has become mainstream. High-fashion designers and lifestyle companies have been gradually placing green merchandise into their product lines. Patagonia, a manufacturer...
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...Definition Eco-friendly literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment (see References 1). This term most commonly refers to products that contribute to green living or practices that help conserve resources like water and energy. Eco-friendly products also prevent contributions to air, water and land pollution. You can engage in eco-friendly habits or practices by being more conscious of how you use resources. Product Qualifications Making a truly eco-friendly product keeps both environmental and human safety in mind. At a minimum, the product is non-toxic. Other eco-friendly attributes include the use of sustainably grown or raised ingredients, produced in ways that do not deplete the ecosystem. Organic ingredients or materials are grown without toxic pesticides or herbicides. Products with "made from recycled materials" contain glass, wood, metal or plastic reclaimed from waste products and made into something new. Biodegradable products break down through natural decomposition, which is less taxing on landfills and the ecosystem as a whole. (See References 3) Practice Examples You can develop eco-friendly habits to help you use less and make the most of what you have. Turn off lights in empty rooms and use a programmable thermostat so you're only heating or cooling your home when it's occupied (see References 2). Businesses can also institute such practices, in addition to bigger initiatives, such as company-wide recycling programs to conserve...
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...A friendly neighbour Neighbour war is a relatively common phenomenon now a day, though it is seldom that it goes as far as it does in the text: A friendly neighbour by Adam Johnson from the year of 2004. In this short story there is an ongoing conflict between the two neighbours Roger, and Frank Walker, which quickly evolves into and direct war between the two neighbours. Roger continuous to take a step further to prevent the evil deeds he anticipate his enemy to do, which leads to some pretty grim stuff, including family wonking and ending with a possible unintentional family slaughter. The main character Roger is seemingly paranoid, mostly at the end of the text. "[…] And I answered myself: What I would do is look around my house in a frenzy for something else dangerous, such as paint, such as thinner, such as household chemicals, and then either ring the house of my enemy with the toxics and set them on fire or pour some into the pool of my enemy […]” (p. 3 ll. 24 -27)s, he truly fears the evil of his not so friendly neighbour Frank Walker. He sort of imprison himself in his house, but mostly his children which are to stay indoor when the neighbour is at home, and besides that is he locking his doors just in case his enemy of a neighbour should get any funky ideas. Roger is rather aggressive in the sense that he quickly draws to weapon and wonks his neighbour before asking any questions. His perception of his not so friendly neighbour is that he is a lunatic who...
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...The Friendly Unravel Authors have the ability, through writing, to create a story within a story using literary devices. In Edith Wharton’s “Roman Fever” subtle hints of symbolism reveal the corrupt passions of two friends. At first glance Mrs. Alida Slade and Mrs. Grace Ansley appear to be old friends, returning to a familiar place to enjoy past times. A deeper look exposes hidden truths about each woman. Wharton uses symbolism in “Roman Fever” to imply the existence of the dark secrets that come between Mrs. Ansley and Mrs. Slade. In life, friendship is known to have its twist and turns, loops and pulls. The art of knitting is used to display the intertwining lives of Mrs. Ansley and Mrs. Slade. “Mrs. Ansley…had reached a delicate part in her knitting. “One, two, three-slip two…” (Whaton 118). Knitting is a precious, delicate, yet tedious task; although it is very familiar to her she must still concentrate and work at it because the wrong “slip” could cause the entire work to be ruined (much like friendships). On the surface, Mrs. Ansley seems to be the weaker, meeker friend but slight clues denote that there is more to her. “Half guiltily she drew from her handsomely mounted black hand-bag a twist of crimson silk run through by two fine knitting needles” (114). Her actions are timid though symbolically she is strong. The color black is significant with death, darkness, and/or ill will. Crimson is equivalent to red which means passion, aggression, love, and/or lust....
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...A Friendly Neighbour The ability to think is partly what has gotten man to the top of the food chain. It is hard to imagine a world in which no one is able to think ahead; predict what is going to happen. Yet, what would happen if our thoughts became our only reality? That is exactly what happens to Roger in Adam Johnson’s short story ‘A Friendly Neighbour’ from 2004. Roger lives in a typical neighborhood with his family and seems well off with a swimming pool. Unfortunately, Roger has had some disagreements with one of his neighbors, Frank, in the past: “I never could stomach Walker… (p. 1 l. 1),” which had led him to the belief that Frank is pedophile and violent towards his family. Roger loves his family more than anything else, and with Frank that close, he feels threatened and wants to protect his family – at all costs. Consequently, he has to keep the doors shut and the kids inside. The frustration accumulates, and Roger ends up killing Frank and his family in an insanity of fear. In Roger’s head, the act was fully justified: “It is human nature (p. 3 l. 14).” Nevertheless, no matter how many good excuses Roger comes up with, it is an explicit sign that something is completely wrong with him. Roger is possessed by thoughts; actually, most of the story is just Roger thinking. Roger is aware that he thinks too much, and something deep within him actually briefly tries to recognize this: “No, no, no, I was thinking, not acceptable (p. 1 l. 11).” That is Roger’s...
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...A friendly neighbour “A book may be compared to your neighbour: if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early”. A neighbour war is a relatively common phenomenon nowadays. Even though everybody most likely has experienced a friendly fight between neighbours, it is seldom that it goes as far as it does in “A friendly neighbour” by Adam Johnson from the year of 2004. In this short story there is a first person narrator, which you can already tell by the very first word “I”. When a first person narrator is used, it makes it more easy to relate to the main character. In this particular story we quickly become convinced that what Roger is doing is completely okay, because we can read between the lines that Walker seems like a paedophile. Besides that, if we saw it from Walkers point of view, we would sympathize with him, but still think that his actions are wrong. The narrator in the story is unreliable, because he is a part of the story and we only see the story from his perspective. The story is written in past tense, but he tells the story as if the memories are still fresh, which you can conclude by seeing that he still remembers what he was thinking at the time. With that information you can also conclude that he took part in the story. The title is very ironic, as no one in the neighbourhood could really be described as ‘friendly’. They want what is best for themselves, and don’t think of other peoples needs. The story takes place...
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...Assessment #3: Recruiting, Selection, and Retention Part 1: 1) Develop a recruiting strategy for this job position. The recruiting strategy that I would use for Friendly Financial Works would be utilizing Private Employment Agencies. There are several reasons that utilizing this strategy would be the most beneficial for this company. Friendly Financial has an extremely high turnover rate, so it is obvious that they spend a lot of time recruiting and hiring new employees. By allowing an agency to take the lead in this process, Friendly Financial can focus more on their business and on employee retention practices. Many successful companies use private employment agencies for this reason. Recruiting is the agencies core business and the thing they do best. And because it’s their core business, they can afford to invest the time, resources and intellectual property to continually improve both the process and results. This caliber of investment is rarely undertaken by an employer. Also, when measuring the time involved with in-house recruitment and the costs associated with each recruitment step, it is usually determined that outsourcing the recruitment process is in fact more efficient — both in terms of time and cost. Another great benefit of this strategy would be the fact that private employment agencies typically have access to a hidden candidate market. Most people that employers wish to attract to their organization are already employed, and the reality...
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...“A Friendly Neighbour” by Adam Johnson, 2004 I never could stomach Walker and then one day he’s standing in my kitchen, in his underwear. Facing in the direction of my kids’ room! So I wonk him in the back of the head and down he goes. When he stands up, I wonk him again and down he goes. Then I roll him down the stairs into the early-spring muck and am like, If you ever again, I swear to God, I don’t even know what to say, you miserable fuck. Karen got home. I pulled her aside. Upshot was: Keep the doors locked, and if he’s home the kids stay inside. But after dinner I got to thinking: Guy comes in in his shorts and I’m sitting here taking this? This is love? Love for my kids? Because what if? What if we slip up? What if a kid gets out or he gets in? No, no, no, I was thinking, not acceptable. So I went over and said, Where is he? To which Lynn said, Upstairs, why? Up I went and he was standing at the mirror, still in his goddam underwear, only now he had on a shirt, and I wonked him again as he was turning. Down he went and tried to crab out of the room, but I put a foot on his back. If you ever, I said. If you ever again. Now we’re even, he said. I came in your house and you came in mine. Only I had pants on, I said, and mini-wonked him in the back of his head. I am what I am, he said. Well, that took the cake! Him admitting it! So I wonked him again, as Lynn came in, saying, Hey, Roger, hey. Roger being me. And then he rises up. Which killed me! Him rising up? Against...
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...Essay on ”A friendly neighbour” Revenge and violence have always been a part of our everyday normal life, but is it becoming worse, and actually even starting to take overhand? A friendly neighbour, don’t know if we can say that. Walter is living in what sound like an all normal neighbourhood, he just got one problem with his certainly violent neighbour Roger. Walter seems kind of innocent in my opinion, as you don’t really get to know what he actually was doing in his underwear at Roger’s house. Roger really don’t seem to like Walter, and finds him very provocative, and can’t go one day without thinking what Walter is going to do to him, and his family. Roger seems very paranoid, and is taking this whole situation to a whole other level. He don’t really know himself what happened the day Walter was in he’s house, he just assumed right away that he was doing something bad. We are getting everything from Roger’s point of view, which makes Walter look really bad, and like he deserves to be “wonked” all the time. (And as he says on page 2, 18. After he “wonked” Walter in front of he’s kids: Great now they hate me, like I’m the bad guy in this) Throughout this story Walter is getting really pissed, even though he seemed like a nice person in the start, he starts to look with these evil eyes at Roger, like he want to do something bad too him. All this drama makes this a bad environment. Because as it looks like a normal family neighbourhood, now just with these men creating...
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...In the article, Queer Cyborgs and New Mutants: Race, Sexuality, and Prosthetic Sociality in Digital Space, Mimi Nguyen analyzes the dialectic relationship between organic bodies and technologies in society by conducting an intersectional analysis. Specifically, Nguyen utilizes a narrative about Karma, a mutant who was a Vietnamese war refugee with the ability to “seize control of other peoples mind and bodies” (Nguyen 38). Nguyen, also of Vietnamese descent, use this first-personal narrative to not only relate herself to Karma, but to also humanize the subject at hand. Nguyen exhorts that being a cyborg or mutant is considered to be the ‘other’ in society. She claims that al though these mutants were brought together to fight evil mutants, these “New Mutants are nonetheless viewed with fear and suspicion by the non-mutant population” (Nguyen 374). These cyborgs and mutants are characterized as outsiders because their bodies are subjected to specific stereotypes that do not fit in the overwhelmingly “normal” society. Nguyen continues to say, “in these science fictions mutant bodies and cyborg bodies are analogized as minoritarian bodies, subjected and subjugated…” (377). Relating back to class discussion, these bodies are actually constructing the space around them. Since these mutants are so different and are being put in a space where they are considered to be the “other,” a majority believes it is there duty to remove them from that space. Even with their unique powers and...
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...ESTIMATION OF GROWTH RATES The value of a firm is ultimately determined not by current cash flows but by expected future cash flows. The estimation of growth rates in earnings and cash flows is therefore central to doing a reasonable valuation. Growth rates can be obtained in many ways: they can be based upon past growth; drawn from estimates made by other analysts who follow the firm; or related to the firm's fundamentals. Since each of these approaches yields some valuable information, it makes sense to blend them to arrive at one composite growth rate to use in the valuation. This chapter examines different approaches to estimating future growth, and discusses the determinants of growth. Question 1 - Arithmetic and Geometric Means The following are the earnings per share of Thermo Electron, a company that designs cogeneration and resource recovery plants, from 1987 to 1992: |Year |EPS | |1987 |0.67 | |1988 |0.77 | |1989 |0.90 | |1990 |1.10 | |1991 |1.31 | |1992 |1.51 | A. Estimate the arithmetic average growth rate in earnings per share from 1987 to 1992. B. Estimate the geometric average growth rate in earnings per share from 1987 to 1992. C. Why are the growth rates different? Question 2 - Linear and Log-linear Models of Earnings Growth Consider again the example of Thermo Electron, described in the prior example...
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...Stilurile funcționale ale limbii române 1.Stilul colocvial Stilul colocvial (familiar) se utilizeaza in sfera relatiilor de familie, in viata de zi cu zi. CUPRINDE (sfera de utilizare) - relaţii interpersonale în planul vieţii cotidiene. CARACTERISTICI: • conform specificului discursului: discurs ficţional/ stil artistic, discurs nonficţional/ stil ştiinţific; • recurge la elemente suprasegmentale (ton, gestică, mimică); • are o mare încărcătură afectivă; • regulile gramaticale pot fi încălcate; • pot fi folosite elemente de argou sau jargon; • sunt folosite particularităţi regionale sau socio-profesionale; • se realizeaza dezvoltarea spontana, neintentionata a limbii. • un anume grad de afectivitate; • folosirea unor formule de adresare, pentru implicarea ascultatorului; • utilizarea mijloacelor non-verbale; oscilare intre economie si abundenta in exprimare. Economia se manifesta prin intrebuintarea cliseelor lingvistice, a abrevierilor de tot felul, dar mai ales prin elipsa, ca urmare a vorbirii dialogate, precum si prin mijloace extralingvistice (mimica, gestica) care permit intreruperea comunicarii, restul fiind sugerat. Abundenta in exprimare este materializata prin repetitie, prin utilizarea zicalelor, proverbelor, locutiunilor si expresiilor, prin evitarea cuvintelor abstracte care sunt substituite prin perifraze. • prezenta unor termeni regionali sau chiar argotici; • folosirea diminutivelor, augmentativelor...
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...FIRACT – Chapter 1 (p.37) Susan Ho NLRB v. Friendly Cab Co. 512 F.3d 1090 (9th Cir. 2008) Facts Friendly is a taxi company in Oakland, CA, run by Singh’s family. After tension arouse between Friendly and its drivers, the Union was appointed as the rep to file a petition with the NLRB seeking a declaration that these drivers were employees and entitled to representation for collective bargaining purposes. Evidence of IC Status • • • • The agreement specifically stated that no employee-‐employer relationship existed Drivers do not work set hours or a minimum number of hours Friendly does not provide any benefits to drivers Friendly does not provide standard employer responsibilities such as withholding SS taxes, payroll taxes, and other taxes on behalf of the drivers • • Friendly does not provide workers’ compensation insurance Drivers paid fixed rental rate and kept all collected fares and...
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...of contest surrounding the issues of whether Australian workplaces are family friendly and are able to both accommodate and promote a healthy work-life balance for employees. This essay will discuss these issues by using evidence gathered from an array of both academic and secondary sources, with particular consideration being paid to the notion and ideal of a family friendly workplace existing within Australia. The first aspect that will be discussed is the concept of a family friendly workplace and specific examples of Australian workplaces that implement such practices will be explored. Second, the legislation and union involvement that is associated with implementing family friendly policies in Australian workplaces will be further argued. Finally, the negative evidence regarding Australian workplaces promotion of family friendly policies will be presented to reach an informed conclusion on this issue. There are a number of Australian organisations that have implemented family friendly work policies in order to allow for a better reconciliation of work and family life for their employees. The inclusion of such policies and practices into the workplace results in positive effects for not only the employee but the employer as well (Adema & Whiteford 2008 p.16). Current staff are more motivated when they are at work, there is a reduction of labour turnover, an accommodating and family friendly workplace is seen as an attraction to new staff, workplace stress is greatly...
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