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William Blue: Seven Years Of Penal Transportation Law

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William Blue was born c.1767 and was thought to be born in Jamaica, New York City. William Blue passed away in 1834. William claimed that he fought in the war with the British in the war of independence. In 1796 William was living in Deptford, London and worked as a chocolate maker and a lumper, meaning that he unloaded cargoes from fishing boats. On October 4th 1976, William was accused of stealing raw sugar, (William was probably accused because he was a chocolate maker and chocolate makers need sugar to make chocolate). The sentence for him was seven years of penal transportation. Penal transportation is when a convicted criminal or person regarded as unwanted is sent to exile, with other convicted criminals. After more than four years on the convict hulks William was moved to Botany Bay in the …show more content…
In 1805 27th of April William married Elizabeth William. Elizabeth Williams arrived in Sydney in 7th of May 1804. She was transported to 7 years of transportation for stealing a gown. William Billy Blue also had 6 children. After marrying William’s occupation became a waterman and sold oysters to customers. A water man is someone who transfers people across and along City Rivers, William presumably collected these oysters in his spare time waiting to transfer people. He was also in favour with both the public and the government officials, because he was friendly and he was amusing and light hearted. In 1808, Williams name was mentioned in a list of other people who supported the arrest of

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