1) What do the Willowbrook, Tuskege Syphilis, and Cincinnati radiation experiments have in common?
The Willowbrook, Tuskege Syphilis, and Cincinnati radiation experiments had one common purpose: to see the effects of something by using people of less worth, in order to benefit those who are worth in society. In revelation of these news, new standards were needed to avoid tragic events like the ones discovered in these locations. Moreover, as mentioned by Ekland-Olsen and Beicken,
The patients receiving radiation all had cancer. They were poor, with little education, unable to pay for private physicians. Just over 60 percent were of African American heritage. There was little or no hope that the full-body radiation treatment would help them personally, but researchers believed…they would learn something valuable…in the event of an atomic attack.”
2) What other crystallizing events can you think of that have clarified thinking and motivated action?
Other crystallizing events that I can think of that have clarified thinking and motivated action were the similarities between the experiments conducted in the U.S. with those conducted by German doctors during WWII, the use of aborted fetuses in federally funded…show more content… I think that physicians should not have the ultimate say in how they interact with their patients from a moral and ethical standpoint. For example, if a physician had two sick patients, who both needed kidneys, but only had one kidney to give. Who would he give it to? Patient one, who has two children and wife and works a full-time job as an engineer. Or patient two, who is homeless and unemployed. There must be a separate party or a set regulations to decided unbiasedly who, in this situation, gets the kidney.
5) What do you see as the pressing bioethical issues of our time? How are these different from or similar to those discussed in this