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Winning Employee Retention Techniques


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Words 1703
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Winning Employee Retention Techniques

Ronald C. Manalastas

The uncertain context of business today, largely caused by fast changing disruptive technologies, has become even more difficult to manage. Companies can no longer predict with reasonable level of comfort as to how long they can maintain the services of high-performing employees. It is on the side of wisdom to give critical thought on how this situation can be addressed, the "employees" being the most important asset of any organization. No company can subsist honorably and profitably without the employees.
Employees, nowadays, are quick and predisposed to settle for the kind of work that gives them greater freedom in the use of their time for the things they are most passionate about. This is especially true among the younger members of the labor force who generally go for transient or part-time employment in order to have more time for activities they love most.

The no less than 8 million "freeters" in Japan, who shun regular work and the country's lifetime employment culture, is a glaring example of how a broad group of able-bodied and qualified members of the labor force value their personal time. And the rest of the world is no exception. Even in America many people are on double jobs, doing part-time pay-based work for 4-5 hours daily and pursuing a different vocation e.g. painting, writing, teaching, and other crafts for the balance of the day and on weekends. In essence, regular work just becomes a financial bridge for the conduct of things employees are most interested in.

How can businesses then address the competing essence of work in the employee's mind? What can a company do to attract and retain the services of a virtuous employee? What can motivate an employee to continued high performance and extended stay in the company? Which set of ways in treating employees generate the most

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