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Women In El Salvador Research Paper

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Albaladejo, Angelika. “How Violence Affects Women in El Salvador.”, Latin American Working Group, 22 Feb. 2016, eral/1590-how-violence-afects-women-in-el-salvador. Accessed 21 Sept. 2017. This source included many relevant statistics about the women in El Salvador and how they are abused and discriminated against in their country and even their own homes. It was packed full of charts and graphs to help better understand the levels of abuse these women go through. The source also speaks to the prevalence of gangs in the lives of Salvadorian women and how they affect the women’s safety. This article from the Latin American Working group could be extremely helpful in the research. …show more content…
""The Salvadoran Community Where Women Take the Lead."" Women & Girls. December 06, 2016. Accessed September 21, 2017. womenandgirls/articles/2016/12/06/salvadoran-community-women-take-lead." This article from Christine Bolaños talks about some inspiring individuals. The individuals are mostly Salvadorian women who lost their home in an earthquake. Without proper representation from a head male figure in their family, they were unable to buy or rent new home for themselves. That is when they went to the Romero Community, names after archbishop Oscar …show more content…
The facts about fertility and family planning will help to create stronger points about why women are educated like they are.
“EL SALVADOR: Violence against women and girls remains a significant challenge.” CRIN, Child’s Rights International Network, 25 May 2010, archive/el-salvador-violence-against-women-and-girls-remains-significant-challenge. Accessed 19 Sept. 2017. This source talks about some of problems women face in El Salvador. Some of these problems include abuse, both physical and emotional, prison overcrowding, abortion issues, and rape. The source also provides a commentary on how the Salvadorian government can help to fix some of these common problems. These facts and statistics will be useful in helping to differentiate between women of El Salvador and women of America. The source can also be used to further describe the vast range of struggles and discriminations all Salvadorian women must face while living in their own country. It could also be used to help in concluding the paper and show how people can fix how Salvadorian women are treated with the five fixes which the source

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