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Women Movement


Submitted By bakcang88
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Women Movement of 1960s

Women Movement of 1960s
In this paper I am going to discuss how my own life would be different if one specific event of the 1960s had never occurred. I also would like to discuss how this event influenced my course of study and my choice of career path and how different my life would be if this event had never taken place. The event I am speaking of is The Women’s Movement if the 10960’s.
Since the rise of dawn women have been treated as second class citizens and unequal to men. They were not given equal rights regarding their education, health, career and other aspects of their lives. In many civilizations women are treated as slaves and men considered them their property. From the beginning of History women are considered to be inferior to men. Even scholars, learned men and socialists of the early age called women as the greatest source of temptation and evil. Women were treated second-rated not only by the social norms, but also by the religion. Many religions of the world considered women as a species to gratify male hunger and produce his offspring. Civilizations were of the views that as women are physically weaker than men in the same way they have weaker mental abilities and powers. Even Christian Fathers gave humiliated statements about women e.g. St Jerome, Latin Father of Christian
Church has said “Women is the gate of Devil, the Path of Wickedness, the Sting of the Serpent, in the World a Perilous Object”. There were women who challenged this unequal and intolerable behavior of men dominated society. The women challenging the “American Traditions” were called “Flappers”. They were identified with their short bob hair, short hems of the skirts wore dark makeup and listened jazz and pop music. Flappers also drank hard liquor, smoked cigarettes and took sexual relationships casually. Alice Paul was the head of first National Women’s Party and brought forward Equal Rights Amendment in the Constitution. However ERA never passed in the Congress.

Women were treated poorly before 1960’s women movement. According to Thomas Aquinas, a 13th Century Theologian “Woman was created to be Man’s helpmeet, but her unique role in Conception…. Since for other purposes Men would be better assisted by the other Men”. Women workers were suffering from physical abuse, mental torture and unsafe conditions at workplaces. Women were offered “Pink Collard Jobs” in which they made less money as compared to men in the same jobs such as secretaries, teachers, telephone operators and nurses. Social community tried to confined women in traditional feminine sorts of jobs. Women were not allowed to take part in social competition such as the Olympics. In U.S only 39 percent of the women were able to earn University degrees as women were discouraged to acquire education.

The Women’s Movement of 1960 completely revolutionized the state of women around the globe. This vigorous feminist activity let women of the 1960’s realize that they are no less than men and owed equal rights in every field of life. The Women Movement of 1960’s was the second wave of activism by women. It draws its inspiration from The Civil Rights Movement contained major members from the middle class society. Another factor behind the Women Movement of 1960s was the sexual revolution of the 60’s that was triggered by the development and use of birth control pill. In The Women Movement of 1960 activists focus on domestic violence and sexual assaults against the women. The women activists focus on why the rate of rape has increased substantially. Activists work to fight against the domestic violence and created hotlines to response immediately against the rape crises. Feminine Activists continue to fight for their rights and formed “National Organization for Women” (NOW) in 1966. NOW aims to bring equalities for the women.

How the Women’s Movement of 1960 transformed my Life

Being a female is no easy task in this man dominated society and this movement inspired me and makes me realize my true potential, rights and liberties. This movement changed my attitude and approach towards my career, education and legal rights.

My ethnic background is Hispanic, which already is a male dominated culture. The Hispanic culture believes in the women being the home makers, taking care of the children, cooking cleaning and “providing” for their husbands. While the husbands or the men of the family go out and earn a living to provide for their family. Many Hispanic women before the Women’s movement went along with this life style because it was a part of their culture to do so and it was the “American way” as well. Luckily growing up in my house hold, although with a male dominated father figure he and my mother were also much Americanized and allowed my older sister and I to be more independent and make our own decisions when we were old enough.


My parents never really enforced the issue of going to college after high school, but I knew it was going to be the only way to do better for myself and have a better life as an adult. I tried community college for a few semesters, but quickly realized it wasn’t for me and dropped out and started working full time. I was spiritually lost in life in the sense I didn’t know what I wanted out of life, at 21 years old I was not where I wanted to be, but didn’t know where I should be either and just continued for a few more years working until I decided to give college another chance.

How the Women Movement of 1960s helped in establishing my Career

By this time I was working in an accounting department for a very large local an automotive group and while I was there I had a few revelations. Was this what I wanted to do with the rest of my life? Did I went to crunch numbers all day, something that didn’t come easy to me since I have dyslexia and it wasn’t creative and exciting to me. I never thought about it until now, but all the sacrifices women before me, before the 1960’s movement made or gave up because they didn’t have a choice of their academic future, they couldn’t make that decision because it wasn’t even an option and here I am taking it for granted that this opportunity to higher my educations is exist. I enrolled in a private art school and received my A.A. Degree in Computer Graphics two years later while commuting an hour and a half twice a week to school and working full-time. I was determined and I succeeded.

After all that hard work, the unthinkable happened. The market was now saturated with hundreds of students all offering the same skills and applying to the same jobs, the same far and few in between jobs. It had come clear to me that I was going to stay in the car business because after all this is what I had known and it was paid me well. Much more than an entry level job would in my field of degree and I could not financially take the pay cut. I fast forward almost six years later and I am still working in the automotive industry and had to place my hopes of becoming a graphic designer away.

I moved out of state, but still found a job in the automotive industry because that is what my field of expertise was now in. This job gave me a great opportunity for 3 ½ years because they saw management potential in me and groomed me for such a position as office manager and controller which are two of the highest positions you can hold in the accounting department at an automotive dealership. While working in this small, somewhat “country” dealership I wore many hats and had first sight of many injustices on how the employees were treated. I dabbled a little in HR and it got me thinking again. I seemed to take a better liking to my HR side of the job then I did to the accounting part of my job and I made another big decision to go back to college after almost nine years. I decided to go back to college online and get my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with concentration in Human Resources. I was taking control of my life and I was excising my rights to a higher education once again and with less than a year to go I am going to achieve another goal that otherwise may not have been available to me if the Women’s Movement of 1960 never took place. Also, I have managed to leave the company of 3 ½ years where I was inspired to go into HR and work for another automotive dealership with the title of Office Manager. After 13 years in the automotive industry I have finally made it to Office Manager and I am not stopping there.

Women found a new ray of hope and anticipation in the form of The Women Movement of 1960s. Through this vigorous and active movement I realize that women are not a decorative item or a piece of meat to please men. God has created woman as creatively as a man and grants equal blessings to both of them. It’s inappropriate for women to consider her as an item inferior to man. I realize the importance of education for Women through this movement and realize that women have equal mental powers as given to man. I realize properly educated women can not only earn bread and butter for herself but also for her family and bring a new hope to the entire world. She can share the financial burden with her husband and can bring prosperity to their family.

The Women Movement of 1960 helped me in learning how to protect myself from the social injustice, physical abuse and sexual harassment in this male dominated society. It help in realizing my social and communal rights and gave me power to fight for those rights. It taught me to hold my head high in the educational institutes and be proud of my identity being a woman. The Women Movement of 1960s taught me my basic rights regarding wages, workplace environment and corresponding workers. It let me know that I have got the equal wage right as my male colleagues and due to the social rights granted by this movement I am working confidently the last 13 years in the automotive industry.


"Alice Paul: Feminist, Suffragist and Political Strategist." Alice Paul Institute. 23 May 2007. 31 May 2007 .

Bachir, John J. Betty Friedan. 2006. JJB Blog. 4 June 2007.

"Betty Friedan." Women of the Hall. 1993. National Women's Hall of Fame. 4 June 2007 .

Chapin. "Two's Company, Three's a Crowd." Cartoon. Literary Digest. 6 June 2007.

"Chisholm, Shirley Anita." Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. 2005. 7 June 2007.

Corbis-Bettmann. Rachel Carson. 1963. Carson, Rachel. 1 June 2007 .

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