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Rhetorical Analysis: Daddy's Little Princess '

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Cameron: My problem with Jenner’s rhetoric is that that is assumers that in order to be a true woman, you have to adopt a type of “femininity” deeply imbedded within your culture. Women are more sensitive, more compassionate listeners; they take meticulous care of their bodies and want to look sexy; they play hard to get. This kind of language only reproduces the assumptions about gender and sexual agency; it is purely discursive.

The third link is opened, it is a picture of a pink baby bodysuit with “Daddy’s Little Princess” written on it. Next to it is a blue body suit with “Superhero” written across the chest area.

Rubin: Ah, gender roles for babies. Freud mentioned it years ago; males and females are turned into “boys” and “girls” by embedding sexual roles and rules onto children. “Penis envy” is not a jealousy of the organ itself but rather the superiority, rights and privileges that come with it.

Cameron: Also, be aware of the language used here. As always, girls are pretty princesses and boys …show more content…
Another link is opened; it is a news article about Malta banning intersex-normalizing surgery.

Fausto-Sterling: It is incredible how far people can go to “sex” the body. There is an innate flexibility to the sexuality of the body and the sense of identity that consequently results from that consciousness of unique sexuality. Social movements’ aim should be to include diverse sexualities under what is considered normal, beyond the socially constructed limits enforced by society and to spread an acceptance of “gray areas” rather than blatantly conflicting dualisms.

Cameron: The opposing two-sex system and the subsequent widespread gender equality is also imposed by language. In many cultures and for many years, gender neutral pronouns did not exist and however prevalent they are now, they are certainly not universal.

Fausto-Sterling: Our modern society works tirelessly to ensure that everyone fits in

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