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Abortion: Controversy In The 21st Century

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Abortion – a topic that can spark controversy in the 21st century. With the advancement of technology, abortion has become an increasingly safer process in which pregnant mothers can terminate their pregnancies before the baby is born. With advocates for and against this practice, it is important to understand why some people might be opposed to it. While an abortion can terminate an unwanted pregnancy and restore family life without the stress and worry of raising a child, the process is arguably inhumane due to the fact that it is in essence, killing an unborn child. In short, the main question regarding abortion is whether it is morally wrong or morally permissible. Several philosophers have addressed this issue, whether it is directly or …show more content…
With the prohibition against abortion, it would cause many women to go to extreme lengths to terminate their pregnancy, often illegal, ending in tragedy. With the debate on abortion mainly in the United States, women who do not have the choice of abortion, whether it is the legality of it or other reasons, are driven to desperate means to get out of the situation because they see no other way out of the dilemma posed by an unwanted pregnancy. This alone is often brought up as one of the leading reasons for the legalization of access to safe abortions. In an article by Phillip Ivanhoe which reviews the Confucian perspective on abortion, he writes, “It is quite likely that such compassion for the pregnant woman – rather than any appeal to her rights – is the single most important concern behind the majority support of abortion as a legal option” (Ivanhoe 43). In essence, it should be morally permissible that a pregnant woman should have the choice to take control of her life in that aspect and maintain her wellbeing. If one is not ready for pregnancy and all the aspects that come with it, she should be able to take control and change it. Although this seems logical, there is the opposing side which disagrees with

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