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Women Serve In The Military Research Paper

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Why Women Serve in Military? The 21st century might be literally called the century of gender discrimination. The cases of the sex intolerance mostly appear in occupations. Some people conceive there are many professions that women are not supposed to do, like serving in military. The issue of women’s serving in the military has remained controversial for many decades. Although women have successfully proved that they cannot be called a weak gender any more, there are some occupations women should not be included, such as military. Fifty or seventy years ago, the notion of a women’s participation in the combat looked ridiculous, however it does not seem strange in modern society. Nevertheless, the question arises. Why do women serve in military …show more content…
Sometimes the families that consist of three or four children do not make a living in particular countries, and they are forced to gain additional money in order to save both theirselves and children. The fact that the women get more salaries than men in military services is inevitable and it is going to be like a tradition over the world. Women have well-paid occupations in army depending on role, qualification, and experience, so that is the most essential reason of joining the combat. A common woman-soldier is paid up to $768 a month, which equals $9,216 per year in America, and this salary is quite sufficient for women to spend it for her family ( Compared with Eritrea, a country in East Africa, there are considerable differences about salaries that are given in the army. A 30-year- old mother from Eritrea, Ghenet Berhe, informs that she takes home about 72$ a month, in one interview that is taken by James C. McKinley (from the New York …show more content…
In some countries joining the army is mandatory. This law is implied especially to women aged between seventeen and twenty. However, the question can be raised that what about their school at the age of seventeen. Answer is so simple; school graduates enlist in April, but the enlistment duration for workers in military takes places in August ( For instance, Norway decided to imply its obligatory military services for women up to one year. This law was organized to start from the beginning of 2013. Nevertheless, this country has voted to expand mandatory army conscription to all citizens, regardless of the sex, in the late 2013 and Norway is the first country in Europe or NATO to do so ( Moreover, the first country that brought an obligatory military service for both men and women is Israel, but the process of serving in the army is not the same. In 2002, compulsory participation in armed forces for men was thirty six months, albeit this period was twenty four months for women. That is a significant distinction, and Jewish people do not accept it fairly. Israel people claim that if the serving in military opportunity is given to all genders, why its duration in army differs. Thus, it is a controversial issue, and reveals discrimination problem once

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