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Women's Homelessness

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Many literatures explaining women's homelessness in the United Kingdom, have argued from a feminist perspective which highlighted that the market dominated housing policies disadvantage female-led households based on a gendered division of labour. For example, Watson and Austerberry (1986) argued that historically the organization of domestic labour and child care, and familiar care were individualized and mostly the work of women rather than collectively distributed. Furthermore, feminist believe that patriarchal policies in the United Kingdom have favour nuclear families and marginalised single female accounting for their vulnerability to homelessness Watson and Austerberry (1986) . Whereas Novac, Brown, and Bourbonnais (2009) identified …show more content…
(Somerville and Steele 2002) argued that in Nottingham the majorities of hostel is predominantly for white, male and where ethnic minority resident are in a distinct minority, many young people have negative experiences in such institution, including racial abuse and harassment from fellow residents. On the other hand, where hostel are both for men and women, many Asian young women will refuse to these facilities because of fear of reprisal from their own communities for being associated with male strangers. Somerville and Steele 2002. In Leicester study by ford and Vincent (1990) found that African – Caribbean women relied largely on friend and relatives, when they become homeless. Their dependency on families often this suggested lack of awareness to services when living in hidden accommodation situations Crisis …show more content…
Despite some issues, such as unemployment and eviction, which have increase the change of homelessness (Fitzpatrick, Kemp and Klinker, 2000). Nonetheless, the incidences that women also have suffered in traumatic in their childhood also impacted on their homelessness. Anderson (2001) highlights that many women endure traumatic incidents including sexual assaults and ongoing traumatic conditions such as struggling to meet basic survival needs and living while living in ongoing dangers and fearful situation Furthermore (Marcus, 2014) believes that the great majority of women's life had never been easy, they had to encounter many hardships, pain and emotional stress. Despite that fact that many women have entered homelessness through the same routes or experiences homelessness in the way. However, almost all homeless women are from working class, powerless and from poorer backgrounds. In addition, Anderson (2001) argues that homelessness for women can be seen as a multidimensional process, and the trajectories that women take into, exits and return to homelessness are influenced by a complex range of events, actions and interactions. Moreover, women often encounter structural problems

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