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Women's Rights And Freedoms: Source Analysis

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In a democratic liberal society today, the value of individual’s is vital. Every individual’s voice must be heard through democratic means. Examples of democratic means would be protests and petitions. Individuals have the right and should be able to freely practice their rights and freedoms without any collective rights and freedoms restrictions. This means that individuals are needed in society in order to have a balanced and sustainable social, economic, and political system.

In source one, the image provided shows British women lined up against the side of a London road peacefully protesting about women’s right and freedoms as well as gender equality. In the distance, their are men walking around in small groups going about their work. …show more content…
As a result of the gender equality in terms of rights and freedoms as well as decision making, women grouped together to create an movement that is still popular today; feminism. “Feminism’s agenda is basic: it asks that women not be forced to “choose” between public justice and private happiness. It asks that women be free to define themselves - instead of having their identity defined for them, time and again, by their culture ad their men.” (Noesgaard, 2010, P. 17) The Famous Five started this movement when Nellie McClung fought for women’s rights and freedoms in court. McClung states that “the world has never been partial to the thinking woman - the wise ones have always foreseen danger. Long years ago, when women asked for an education, the world grid out that it would never do. If women learned to read it would distract them from the real business of life which was to make home happy for some good man.” (Noesgaard, 2010, P. 20) In source two, individuals should be playing a role in society where they meet basic needs, are comfortable and are capable of splurging in luxuries once in a while. This can be classified as the middle class. This is because middle class and working class individuals don't get caught up in the greed of wealth therefore having them understand the struggles that the third class goes through. “As the standard of living increased, so did the cost of living, but the average wages of workers did not necessarily increase.” (Noesgaard, 2010, P. 119) However, the sad reality if this till today is that, the income gap keeps on increasing instead of decreasing. In source three, individuals should play an role where citizens contribute to the government by paying taxes but using for the right things. We shouldn't be like MCFC where they steal our money and use it towards things that aren't important to our community. The same goes for taxes, we

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