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Wood Technology


Submitted By namangolwa
Words 909
Pages 4
Wood technology is the knowledge of the structure, properties, and processing characteristics of wood and the application of this knowledge to industrial processes; including the utilization of wood and the design, production, manufacture, or reconstruction of wood products. The responsibilities of the wood technologist are varied, but generally fall into the broad categories of technical control, production, distribution or research. Technical control may include selection and procurement of raw material, equipment, and supplies, quality control of products, technical supervision of processes, and product development. Production involves supervision of processes, departments or plants and thus requires, in addition to technological knowledge, a grasp of administrative and industrial engineering skills. Distribution may be of materials, supplies, and equipment to the wood-using industry or of the products manufactured. Research, in addition to wood conversion activities, wood technologists also fill research roles to develop the knowledge on which technological advances in the wood industry are based. A wood technology education must provide a basis from which specialization in any of the above areas may develop through either work experience or additional formal education. As with engineering, professional courses in wood technology are built on a strong background in mathematics and physical sciences. Although some knowledge of biology is necessary, most types of wood conversion do not require the depth of understanding of biology that is essential to forestry.
To understand the behavior of wood and its processing, one needs a grasp of mathematics at the level of the calculus and preferably differential equations, engineering-level physics, organic and desirably physical chemistry, and a basic engineering knowledge of force systems and mechanics of materials. Superimposed on this background must be knowledge of wood as a material, including its microscopic and submicroscopic structure and its physical, mechanical, and chemical properties and behavior. The wood technologist needs to know the principal products made from wood, how they are manufactured, and standards pertaining to them from the standpoints of marketing and use. Of particular importance is a thorough understanding of the basic processes through which wood must pass in its conversion to the wide variety of products made from it.
Wood technologies span a broad area of study that covers technological developments in society. Effective wood technology cannot be taught at the descriptive level. To teach the fundamental work in anatomical, physical and mechanical, and chemical properties and behaviour of wood, and the basic processes of machining, drying, gluing, and preservation and protection, special laboratory facilities are essential. For example, to learn the working properties of modern adhesives and their application, the bonding processes and factors that affect them, and the performance of glued wood assemblies, one must measure the properties of adhesives and make and test assemblies glued with them. This requires laboratory-size mixing and spreading equipment, hot and cold presses, instrumentation for measuring chemical and physical properties of adhesives, heat transfer, and pressure applied, and also glue-bond testing equipment and instrumentation. This equipment should be on a small scale and so designed that all factors coming into play in any gluing process in a production plant can be simulated and studied under controlled conditions. Similarly, special laboratory equipment is needed for each of the other areas of study.
In primary schools, teachers plans their wood technologies curriculum in ways that helps children to:, develop knowledge and understanding of the important principles and ideas of the technologies, access and develop skills and understanding in the safe, and hygienic use of an extensive range of tools, resources and materials (e.g. saws, drills), use accurate measurements in millimeters and suitable materials to create a product of a very high standard, find innovative and creative solutions when designing and making products which they test and evaluate, develop a range of skills that enhances their capacity for critical thinking and problem solving within technological contexts, develop informed attitudes towards their immediate environment and help to place their learning within a Scottish and global context and make links across curriculum areas and provide relevant contexts which build on prior learning.
In best practice, as children progress through the school, teachers ensure that contexts extend to the wider environment and include links with industry, businesses and the community. This supports the development of children’s knowledge and skills about advances in wood technologies. It also helps children understand how wood technological developments have responded to society’s needs and how they might be developed further in the future.
Woodworking teaches basic and advanced hand-eye coordination in children while the brain is still developing. Children and teenagers can learn abstract thinking skills that allow for better coordination between visual cues, tactile cues and mental images. Developing good hand-eye coordination can provide an advantage throughout life.
Wood work teaches students how to use a range of basic tools. Some students might never have the opportunity to learn how to use a saw, plane or drill in any other environment. Students might even learn how to operate machinery like a lathe, band saw or belt sander. These tool skills can be very useful later when making repairs to a house or building furniture. The skills could even start a lifelong love of woodworking.
Wood work requires students to think abstractly in three dimensions. This develops spatial visualization in the brain. Spatial visualization allows students to better understand the relationship between objects in space. It is an essential ability for students who want to enter into science, engineering or math careers.

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