...University of Phoenix Material Common Holy Days in Jewish Religious Traditions Part One Complete the template with information from Jewish Holy Days. Identify at least seven Jewish religious holy days and place each holy day in the correct season (time of year) as studied in the course. APA-formatted citation APA-formatted citation Part Two Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following. 1. Describe the three major sections of the Jewish bible. Include its estimated date of being written and what is contained in each section. 2. Describe the major similarities and differences between the four branches of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist). How are these four groups distinct from one another? Denominations of Judaism: Jewish movements, often referred to as denominations, branches or sects of Judaism, differ from each other in some beliefs and thus in the way they observe Judaism. Differences between Jewish movements, in contrast to differences between Christian denominations, derive from interpreting Jewish scriptures in more progressive/liberal or more traditional/conservative ways rather then from theological differences. 1. Orthodox Judaism: Orthodox Jews believe that God gave Moses the whole Torah (Written and Oral) at Mount Sinai. Orthodox Jews believe that the Torah contains 613...
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...Examining experiences of WA nurses workload under the NHPPD staffing model. One of onus for practising nurses as highlighted by the ANMC code of ethics (2008) is that “Nurses value quality nursing care for all people”. This becomes significantly harder as several complexity or factors within the health system impedes on nurses ability to efficiently fulfil this role. One of such issues is safe and effective workload or the optimal nurse to patient ratio for providing quality nursing care. As Twigg et al. (2011) noted the implementation of nursing hours per patient day (NHPPD) staffing model in 2002, a landmark event for western Australian public hospitals was a result of nurses taking a stand to combat the unreasonable workload that was being undertaken. With evidence showing, mandated nursing staff levels having a significant impact on health outcomes, implementation of various staffing models to foster quality nursing care and improved patient outcomes in the health care setting has been widely utilised globally (Twigg et al. 2011). With prominent research done by Aiken and colleagues in the US, and with several other studies carried out internationally the gains achieved for patient outcomes through appropriate nursing staffing levels has been thoroughly highlighted. Aiken et al (2002) demonstrates the significant impact low staffing levels has on patient’s mortality rate. The study noted that wards that had the worst staffing ratios saw a 31% increase in death rates. Increases...
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...A Fuzzy Expert System for Task Distribution in Teams under Unbalanced Workload Conditions José A. Benito Calleja and Jimmy Troost Thales Nederland, Hengelo, The Netherlands jose.benito@nl.thalesgroup.com, jimmy.troost@nl.thalesgroup.com Abstract Inappropriate workload levels on the team members of a naval force have been detected as a problem that can threaten the performance and safety of future naval operations. A suitable distribution of tasks among the members of a team is a crucial issue in order to prevent high and low workload levels. In this paper, we propose a rule-based expert system, the Task Distribution Expert System (TDES), which assists team leaders to manage mental workload in a team by suggesting appropriate task assignments. The TDES emulates the behavior of a team leader deciding which member of the team should perform a task and how. The system handles mental workload as an uncertain fuzzy concept comprising three fuzzy variables that represent the way mental workload affects performance. Automation issues and different recommendations for effective workload management in teams are analyzed and incorporated. A prototype demonstrates the system. 1. Introduction Naval Command and Control (C2) systems support organizations formed by a number of people cooperating on a multitude of tasks simultaneously to achieve overall goals. Future naval C2 systems are characterized by less people, more information available, shorter decision...
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...National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad INTER OFFICE MEMO | | No. 31/14 | | January 22, 2014 | From | Registrar, NU | To | Directors, NU campuses | Cc: | HODs, Managers All, NU campuses | Subject | Revised Workload Policy-Spring 2014 | Dear All Issue of reduced workload of Final Year Projects (FYP) Coordinator was discussed in Directors meeting # 1/14 dated 16-Jan-2014. The following decision was approved by the Rector and to be implemented w.e.f Spring 2014 semester: One FYP Coordinator will be assigned 25 projects. The workload generated from 25 FYP’s shall be considered equivalent to the workload of one course. Each FYP group should normally comprise 2-3 students. In exceptional cases, a single student may be allowed FYP. 2. In view of above change, revised workload policy is enclosed at Annex-I for compliance at campuses. This supersedes this Office IOM # 7/14 dated January 4, 2014. Encl: As above (Annex-I: workload.policy.revised.14) Dr. Mohammad Latif Virk Annex-I to IOM No. 31/14 22.1.14/workload.policy.revised.14 Workload policy Spring 2014 Semester Dear All Workload policy was reviewed recently after 3 years of initial formulation. The review considered PEC recommendations and also consulted developed-world benchmarks such as Association of American University Professors (AAUP), given at Annex-A. 2. It was observed that NU policy was considerably relaxed in comparison. The unit based calculator...
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...Faculty Course Questionnaire : Department Summary Over Time: 10 most recent years of data: Fall 2004 to Spring 2014 Campus : Boulder B1 College/Division : Leeds School of Business Department = LEEDS BUSINESS DEPT page 1 Department Averages : Terms : 04 F 05 Sp Ratings for All instructor course avg_grd hours/week workload # of sections Ratings for All instructor course avg_grd hours/week workload # of sections Ratings for All instructor course avg_grd hours/week workload # of sections Ratings for All instructor course avg_grd hours/week workload # of sections Ratings for All instructor course avg_grd hours/week workload # of sections 05 F 06 Sp 06 F 07 Sp 07 F 08 Sp 08 F 09 Sp 09 F 10 Sp 10 F 11 Sp 11 F 12 Sp 12 F 13 Sp 13 F 14 Sp SD 14 Sp 0.63 0.66 0.36 0.72 instructor course avg_grd hours/week workload # of sections Primary Instructors (TTT & OTH) All Sections (TA 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.7 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 7-9 7-9 7-9 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.5 185 178 177 166 137 152 162 TTT Instructors, Lower Division classes 4.4 5.2 4.1 4.0 4.8 3.9 5.2 3.8 3.8 4.3 2.8 3.2 2.9 2.5 2.8 10-12 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.9 2 1 1 1 1 TTT Instructors, Upper Division classes 5.1 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.4 3.1 3.1 2.9 3.0 3.1 2.9 7-9 4-6 5.6 5.5 5.6 5.5 51 38 37 43 27 39 TTT Instructors, Graduate classes 5.2 5.3 5.1 5.4 5.4 5.1 5.2 4.9 5.2 5.0 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.7 3.6 7-9 5.4 5.5 5.8 5.4 27 26 27 25 24 ...
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...Infrastructure Planning and Design Dynamic Datacenter Version 1.2 Published: April 2010 Updated: November 2011 For the latest information, please see www.microsoft.com/ipd Copyright © 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Complying with the applicable copyright laws is your responsibility. By using or providing feedback on this documentation, you agree to the license agreement below. If you are using this documentation solely for non-commercial purposes internally within YOUR company or organization, then this documentation is licensed to you under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. This documentation is provided to you for informational purposes only, and is provided to you entirely "AS IS". Your use of the documentation cannot be understood as substituting for customized service and information that might be developed by Microsoft Corporation for a particular user based upon that user’s particular environment. To the extent permitted by law, MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED AND STATUTORY WARRANTIES, AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY TYPE IN CONNECTION WITH THESE MATERIALS OR ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN THEM. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks...
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...outsourcing ................................................... 6 Reliability ............................................................................................................... 7 Reliability Advantages of Oracle E-Business Suite on Linux/Intel and RISC ........................................................................................................................7 Performance ......................................................................................................... 8 Production Performance of Linux/Intel for Oracle Outsourcing .................8 Data Collection Method and Tools ....................................................................8 Workload Characterization ..................................................................................9 Production Workload Study Findings...
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...1.1 Convergence Data centers use different network fabrics to meet the quality of service require- ments of different workload types. There are three main workload types, namely, general networking traffic, storage traffic, and inter-processor traffic. General net- working traffic is handled by Ethernet, storage traffic is handled by Fibre Channel (FC), and inter-processor traffic is handled by Infiniband (IB). Each network fabric is designed to meet the throughput and latency requirements of its workload. Gen- eral networking traffic is very mixed and includes web traffic along with email and socket applications, so there are few quality of service requirements. Storage traffic between storage devices and servers requires high I/O rates, high capacity and non- disruptive data delivery. Inter-processor traffic requires low latency. General network traffic does not have stringent latency requirements and is not drastically impacted by packet loss. Storage and inter-processor traffic have low latency requirements and require guaranteed delivery of packets. Figure 1-1 shows an example of a converged datacenter. Unfortunately there is a major down-side to having several fabrics in a single data 1Figure 1-1: Converged Datacenter center. There is a high cost to managing and maintaining the various fabrics in a data center. Having several fabrics in a single data center results in high heat generation due to additional heat generating hardware as well as reduced air...
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...CN5010 Mathematical Methods in Chemical and Environmental Engineering Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 3-0-0-1-6 Prerequisite(s): Nil Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil This module is targeted at postgraduate students, who are interested in process modelling and simulation for various chemical and environmental engineering processes. The course covers both analytical and numerical techniques in solving the associated algebraic as well as differential equations. Analytical methods such as eigenvalue-eigenvector and Green’s function method, and numerical methods such as finite difference, collocation and finite element methods are discussed. All fundamental concepts are introduced with applications related to chemical and environmental engineering using modern software tools. Some background knowledge in analytical methods and numerical analysis from undergraduate modules will be beneficial. CN5020 Advanced Reaction Engineering Modular Credits: 4 Workload: 3-0-0-0-7 Prerequisite(s): Nil Preclusion(s): Nil Cross-listing(s): Nil The module aims to train the students in the fundamentals of reaction engineering and their application to the design and analysis of reactor. The concepts and theory in reaction kinetics are applied to reactor design of single phase reaction system. These are extended to multiphase reaction systems, incorporating the effects of physical rate processes and the interfacial equilibrium leading to the formulation of procedure for the...
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...found in many workers that cause them stress and in some cases lead to illness. These include the level of control they have (low control = stress), the amount of workload they have (high workload = stress) and role conflict (getting the work life balance right). The job-strain model of workplace stress suggests that the workplace creates stress and illness in two ways, through high workload (putting pressure on people to work harder) and low job control (e.g. over deadlines and procedures). Marmot tested this model by studying 7372 civil servants. They were asked to fill in a questionnaire on workload, job control and how much social support they received. They were also checked for signs of cardiovascular disease (e.g. chest pains). Five years later they were then re-assessed to see if those who reported difficulties also had more severe heart disease. They found that for workload and stress there was no link. However, for job control and social support there was a link. The lowest grade civil servants had both low job control and poor social support and had the highest level of cardiovascular problems. In contrast the higher-grade civil servants expressed a high level of job control and good levels of social support, and had lower levels of cardiovascular disease. Johansson also studied the effect of workload on stress levels - he found that sawyers in a Swedish sawmill, who had repetitive tasks with an unrelenting pace (so that the production line kept going) were suffering...
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...PROPORTIONATE IMPLEMENTATION WORKLOAD IN THE DISTRICT OFFICE DURING PROGRAMME ESTIMATES NUMBER 1. Paper compiled by Dezio Banda, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. INTRODUCTION NICE implements its activities mainly through the district structures. The office at the district is comprised of the DCEO, ADCEO and Volunteers. These are responsible for the implementation of various civic and voter education activities. However, it has always been difficult to establish the standardized and proportionate workload among these three categories of people. This knowledge is important for the following: 1. It provides guidance to management to appreciate the level of engagements in view of either scaling up or down the additional responsibilities to each of these individuals. 2. It provides information as regards to who does more work at the district. 3. In an event of undertaking an impact assessment of the district –based activities, who should participate inorder to generate unbiased findings. This is based on the principle that one cannot implement and at the same time evaluate oneself. OBJECTIVE OF THE RAPID SURVEY The rapid survey was undertaken to achieve the following: 1. To find out extent of workload variations among districts with the view of establishing the need for standardized workload schedule for performance effectiveness. 2. To establish who does more with the view of rationalization of responsibilities. 3. To relate workloads and quality of outputs...
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...Case Study 3: Managing Contention for Shared Resources on Multicore Processors By Ja’Kedrick L. Pearson Professor Hossein Besharatian CIS 512 June 2, 2013 Memory contention Memory contention is a state an OS memory manager can reside in when to many memory requests are issued to it from an active application possibly leading to a DOS condition specific to that application. A test was run on a group of applications several times, on three different schedules, each with two different parings sharing a memory domain. The three pairing permutations afforded each application an opportunity to run with each of the other three applications with the same memory domain. The three applications being discussed in this paper are the Soplex, Sphinx, and the NAMD. The Soplex is a linear programming (LP) solver based on the revised simplex algorithm. It features preprocessing techniques, exploits sparsity, and offers primal and dual solving routines. It can be used as a standalone solver reading MPS or LP format files as well as embedded into other programs via a C++ class library. Sphinx is an open source full text search server, designed from the ground up with performance, relevance (aka search quality), and integration simplicity in mind. It's written in C++ and works on Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, etc), Windows, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, and a few other systems (Sphinx Technologies, 2013). NAMD is a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for...
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...Interviews were conducted with staff and all levels of managers under Channel Department and some from several ODM Departments. Interviews were also conducted with employees who have resigned from ECS to understand their perspective and opinions on working environment and the reasons they quit from ECS. In addition, a review of strategies from other studies or literatures to demonstrate the value and feasibility of high staff turnover and low morale were conducted. The results is focused on the decrease of staff turnover rate by fostering good relationships among co-workers and distributing workload evenly, and thus improving staff morale in the long run. Recommendations of Employee-Manager relationship management plan will be given. In conclusion, the employee turnover rate and low morale in ECS will improve with complete strategies and plans of employee relationship management and moderate workload distribution. Introduction Elitegroup Computer Systems Co.(ECS) is a Taiwan-based electronics firm. It is the fifth largest PC motherboard manufacturer in the world. Many of these motherboards have been produced for OEM customers such as Acer and Dell. The company has since concentrated on broadening its product range by making its mark in the design and manufacture of laptops. The Channel Sales and Marketing Department in ECS has become increasingly important compared with other OEM departments as it in charge of ECS’s private brand which enhances company's reputation dramatically...
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...Team #: 2 Members: Bornacelli, Larry Jesior, Agnes Park, Jin* Vythoulkas, George Formal Problem Statement Problem: Increase in workload during the last two weeks of the month. Objective: Allocate Distribute workload equally through out the month. Problem: When a customer’s falls in payment is more than a month behind, he/s/he will show up in separate monthly files. Objective: Delinquent customer accounts should be should shownonly show up in one monthly file. Problem: Duplicate late notices. Objective: Dispatch only one delinquent letter, including the total late fees, to each delinquent member until dues are payed. Problem: Complaint letters are being sent in error. Objective: Complaint letters should not be sent when a case has been satisfactorily resolved. Problem: Additionally iIncrease in workload and errors because of the possible company’s expansion in the future. Objective: Develop system requirements in order that to meet future business requirements. Formal Problem Definition The majority of the problems, as they are described in the formal problem statements, have mainly to do with clerical and recording errors. There is an increase in workload the last half of each month. This problem occurs because the fees of seven of the associations, (which represent approximately 1800 customers, ) fees are due on the first of the month. This situation causes problems to the other office procedures (such as, the tracking...
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...can prove to be both challenging and rewarding. Challenging because there have been so many changes in the last five years or so. Such as technology, workloads and the economy crash. The rewards of being a social worker would be having a flexible schedule and knowing that you are making a difference. We have come a long way in the last few years. Now technology has replaced traditional paperwork. Almost everything has become paperless. When we had to do everything by hand, it was a matter of playing the waiting game. When you sent a client’s paperwork into the state, you had to wait and see when and if they received everything. Now with modern technology, it is easier not only communicating but sending information as well. Modern technology allows us to communicate faster from different locations. We no longer need to wait for paperwork in the mail or worry about how many times we must make long distance phone calls. We can now just get on either our desktop, laptop or even our...
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