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World War 1 Causes

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World War 1 was caused by serval reasons but the growth of nationalism in the nineteenth century had yet another serious consequence (663). “Not all ethnic groups had achieved the goal of nationhood (663).” “Slavic minorities in the Balkans and the multiethnic Habsburg empire, for example, still dreamed of creating their own national states. So did the Irish in the British Empire and the Poles in the Russian Empire (663).” Another cause of World War 1 was militarism. Militarism was the involvement of more than just large armies (663). “As armies grew, so did the influence of military leaders, who drew up vast and complex plans for quickly mobilizing millions of men and enormous quantities of supplies in the event of war (663).” “Fearful that changing these plans would cause chaos in the armed forces, military leaders insisted that the plans could not be altered (663).” …show more content…
“By 1914, Serbia, supported Russia, was determined to create a large, independent Slavic state in the Balkans, while Austria, which had its own Slavic minorities to contend with, was equally set on preventing that possibility (663).” The controversy between the two would lead to the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophia, on June 28, 1914 (664). War has

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