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World War Two: What Was A Cause?

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World War Two: What Was a Cause?
By: Britney Tang

After the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, World War One has ended, but with the unhappiness of several countries, many did not know another war was going to hit. World War Two also known as the second world war, was a long and deadly war that lasted from 1939-1945. Many powerful countries got involved and was classified as the Axis powers and the Allies. The Axis powers included Germany, Italy and Japan while The soivent Union, China, France, Canada, Britain, U.S, etc was in the Allies. There are numerous causes to why World War Two occurred but the Treaty of Versailles was the main one that provoked one of the major countries, Germany. From there on; Nationalism, Hitler and the failure of the League of Nations arose. …show more content…
This was a recurring situation in the Second World War, leading to the first cause, Nationalism. Nationalism spread throughout many countries. Japan, Italy, The Soivent Union and Spain were influenced by nationalism and soon their countries became a totalitarian state. Each of these leaders had something in common; they would use intimidation and violence to get what they wanted. Since the leaders were strong nationalists, this encouraged them to start war with other countries. In addition, German nationalists were greatly encouraged by the Treaty of Versailles to make irrational decisions. For example, the invasion of Poland. Hitler believed that the Treaty of versailles was harsh on Germany and wanted some of their lost land back. Although, Hitler had previously signed the non-aggression pact, on September 1st, 1939, Germany still continued to invade. This caused Britain and France to both declare war on

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