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Mental Health Care Reform

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The American mental health care system has undergone many changes throughout history. At first, individuals were locked in asylums and forced to take whatever treatments were deemed appropriate including restraints, seclusion, and cages (Eaton, 2012). During these “Dark Ages” every state in the country had at least one state-funded mental health hospital (Eaton, 2012). This period that ended around 1825 did little more than detaining the mentally ill so that they didn’t affect the community.
The Institutional Era (1825-1960) expanded the number of asylums as well as the number of institutionalizations across the country. The development of chlorpromazine, used to treat severe schizophrenia, increased state funding for asylums (Eaton, 2012). …show more content…
Kennedy made a great impact on the transformation of mental health care when he signed the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963 (CMHC Act) (Eaton, 2012). The Community Tools Development era changed health care in that new developments were made in pharmacology, psychological interventions, and rehab and community supports (Eaton, 2012). In 1992, the Americans with Disabilities Act sought to protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination (Americans with Disabilities Act, 2015). By 2000, several antipsychotic medications were available, and addiction treatment centers providing inpatient services were founded in several communities (Eaton, 2012.) This period of development between the 1960s and 2000 is when services like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid were enacted. Furthermore, the Olmstead Decision by the Supreme Court in 1999 stated that states must provide opportunity to receive community care apart from the …show more content…
The first sector, the general health sector, is any health care provided by primary physicians. One major concern of mental health and primary care is with diagnosis. Because there are so few specialists in the primary care field, many mental health illnesses may go undiagnosed (Buck et al., 2015). “When behavioral health services are limited in the immediate community, even one-time referral for diagnostic consultation or to a specialty program may be helpful to clarify the presenting issue and to assist in diagnosis and proper treatment” (Buck et al., 2015).
The specialty health care sector is where individuals go to receive treatment when they have a diagnosed mental illness that requires specialized care. Evidence-based practices would fall under this category of mental health care. One main concern regarding specialty care is that not all practices are available nationally, which limits the options of individuals and families to choose the treatment programs that best meet their needs (Gruttadaro, Burns, Duckworth, & Crudo, 2007). When it comes to entry into the mental health system, “there may be greater access barriers in terms of longer- term outpatient treatment or higher levels of care” (Merrick et al.,

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