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Saint Bonaventure Research Paper

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“The proud demons flee before the lofty virtues of the humble.” St. Bonaventure lived a very simple life. He remained a simple man of faith and holiness. Saint Bonaventure not only had academic skills, but he also had great devotion for Jesus and the Church. Jesus was the center of his teaching, administration, his writing, and his life. Saint Bonaventure was born at Bagnorea, a small town about sixty miles north of Rome, in the Papal States in 1221, some accounts say 1217. He was baptized John di Fidensa, named after his father. Bonaventure’s father was a local physician. Bonaventure had a healthy childhood and was growing into a healthy young man, until, at the age of eleven, he suddenly became terribly ill. His mother, Maria di Ritello, made a vow to St. Francis, it is not known exactly what the vow was, but she vowed to do something special if Francis would intercede with God to spare her son’s life. Her prayer was answered, and Bonaventure was cured. John wrote, “I was saved from the jaws of death by Francis’ …show more content…
It is here that the fire of intense love must burn always. You are to feed it every day with the wood of the cross of Christ and the commemoration of his passion.” (The fire of intense love). Being a Minister General made Bonaventure very busy. He wanted to make Paris the center of the Order. He travelled to Rome every year in support of those in the Order who preferred the simple ideal of poverty and missionary work among the people. He would often go meet up with the Pope in Rome. In 1260, the order decided to adopt a new constitution that was written by Bonaventure. Bonaventure agreed to write because the Friars desired it, and because of his love for St. Francis. When St. Bonaventure was writing “The Life of St. Francis,” St. Thomas Aquinas entered his room and exclaimed, “let us leave a saint to write about a saint.” Bonaventure traveled throughout Italy and visited the houses of the Franciscan

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