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Writing Assignment 3: Research-Supported Essay


Submitted By deejay1341
Words 1590
Pages 7
Writing Assignment 3: Research-Supported Essay
In the last decennia, there have been substantial rise in the community of researchers reviewing about videogames and computer. The introduction of videogames has become one of the chief medium of entertainment for youths. According to researchers, the educational potential of videogames has created a lot of attention among the people. Research illustrations that the application of videogames can empower students to control their process of learning, situate learners in a thoughtful setting, promote constructive attitude towards the course of learning , promote inquiry-based and integrate multiple topics to confront learners. The emergence of entertainment-based cultural background increased the subject of taking serious action towards the implementation of videogames into classroom. Videogames have the capacity to enrich the learning process and encourage student commitment. This paper examines the integration of videogames into classrooms, as it can benefit students to improve cognitive skills and reach curricular education goals.
Thesis statement
“The integration of videogames into classroom learning process can allow students to reach curricular learning goals and develop critical thinking skills”
Historical background
The rapid development of gaming industry is on its way to outdistancing television and film industry. A movement was started in the year 2003 to use videogames in training and teaching process. This movement is known as serious games. The significant range of representations of worldwide people and society in the field of video games created a huge opportunity for cross-cultural learning and education in any field of study. In the world of globalization, screen culture plays a vital role in defining the work and need of people. The young generation of people is gaining further

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