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Youth Violence Affects Society

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In today’s society, people mostly hear about youth violence and how it is everywhere you look. Youth violence can be described as a disrespectful behavior that starts at a young age and can go onto adulthood. In the website, World Health Organization, it stated that youth violence is a global problem happening between the age of “10-24”. Youth violence can be known as bullying, assault, any physical harm, or even robbery. Does it affect the people around you, but also does youth violence affects the economy, are the families living in the wrong neighborhood, or that the family has some challenge in life. In the article, Economics and Youth Violence: Crime, Disadvantage, and Community, it states that the young people affect the community. They increase the deaths, injuries, and destroyed property. The violence usually comes from minor low-income families or children that are roaming around the streets that are setting bad examples and they are picking …show more content…
On the article, Violent Youth in Adult Court is said that a reason that some jails are not doing so many arrests is that the facilities and policeman are becoming stricter and doing a great job. Even doing a best job since some of the arrests are transferring into an adult charge. The departments are making sure that they also are educated on why kids act like this and how they can stop it from causing more trouble. The juvenile system takes time to transfer everything and so it takes more time, making the kids stays in longer then usual. The juvenile system has so many rules that need to be follow when a children gets detained. The juvenile changed from being a dentation center to a place that helps the teens understand what they are going through and help them out along the way. Youth has been mistreated in the system so the Supreme Court has made sure there are changes been

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