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Zen Buddhism


Submitted By Beautfulgirl15
Words 1055
Pages 5
Buddhism Presentation: Zen Buddhism
Chiffon Anderson
Deborah Wilkinson
February 23, 2015

Buddhism Presentation: Zen Buddhism
The religion of Buddhism started in the country of India around the fifth century BCE. Buddhism is known as a noneistic religion or as dharma which is the right way of living. Buddhism has a number of traditions, practices and beliefs all largely attributed t Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha “the awakened one.” The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to attain nirvana by practicing the middle way or the Noble Eightfold Path. Zen Buddhism became popular in China, Korea, and Japan and it puts stress on deep meditation. Zen Buddhism puts stress also on scriptures than other forms of Buddhism and focuses on direct spiritual break through to truth.
Buddhism started in the country of India around the fifth century BCE. The religion of Buddhism encompasses a variety of beliefs, traditions, and practices all taught by their religious leader Buddha. Buddhism believes in samsara, karma, and rebirth. Samsara which is the continual repetitive sequences of birth and death. Karma within Buddhism is a life force that drives samsara; this is the sequences of suffering and rebirth for each person. Karma is also the action of the body, speech, and mind that comes from mental intent and brings forth the penalty or result. Reincarnation or rebirth is the process where the individual being goes through a series of lifetimes as one of many forms of conscious life all running from conception to death. Zen Buddhism is divided into two schools Rinzai and Soto. In Zen Buddhism they often teach in paradoxes, so that to lose the ego and to make possible the access into the realm of true self or a state of a formless self. Buddha was the main teacher in the Buddhism religion. Siddhartha Gautama known as Buddha was born in the

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