TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic Page No 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. OBJECTIVES 2 3. LEADERSHIP STYLE 2 1. Vision and Judgment 2 2. Courage and Determination 3 3. Symbiosis, Charisma and Integrity 3 4. ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 3 1. Safety First 3 2. High Aircraft Utilization 4 3. Low Cost 4 4.
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Dubai’s economic development strategy. The strategy is facilitated by the emergence of four clusters: the Construction Cluster, the Financial Cluster, the Logistics Cluster, and the Tourism Cluster. All four have helped service this fast paced, strategic development that is Dubai. The Construction Cluster can be broken down into three main sectors: infrastructure, commercial properties, and residential properties. “The first two segments contain projects that require significant scale and expertise
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Background Anthony Francis Fernandes was born on the April 30th 1964 to a Goan father and a Kristang mother and raised in Kuala Lumpur. He graduated from the London School of Economics in 1987. He worked very briefly with Virgin Atlantic as an auditor, subsequently becoming the financial controller for Richard Branson's Virgin Records in London until 1989. Tony became the youngest managing director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and in 1992, became the Southeast Asian regional vice-president
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Table of Contents Introduction Strategic Profile and Case Analysis Situational Analysis General Environment Analysis Industry Analysis Competitive Environment Analysis Internal Analysis Identification of Environmental Opportunities and Threats and Firm Strengths and Weaknesses (SWOT Analysis) Strategy Formulation Strategic Alternatives and Evaluation Alternative Choice Strategic Alternative Implementation Action Items Action Plans
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Individual assignment # 2 Answer ALL questions Read this newspaper article before answering the questions. Submission date: 16 December 2015 1) AirAsia plan to be region’s biggest carrier Budget airline AirAsia Bhd has drawn up a six-year business plan that will see it carry 70 million passengers a year from 2014, which will make it Asia’s biggest carrier. The figure is 3.5 times higher than this year’s target of 20 million passengers. Group chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandes
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1.0 BACKGROUND OF EMIRATES AIRLINE In the mid-1980s, Gulf Air began to reduce its service to Dubai as it was concerned it was providing regional feeder flights for other carriers. As result, Emirates Airline was formed in 1985. The company is funding of Dubai’s royal family with start-up capital US $10 million as independent of government subsidies . Emirates Airline is the world largest international carrier but in term of income the company at the stage seven when it compare to others largest airline
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Porter’s Five Force Model Industry competitors - Local competitors are Air Asia, Firefly, etc - International competitors- Singapore airlines, Garuda, Cathay Pacific, Thai International Airways - Other Low cost Airlines- Compass, Tiger Airways, Cebu Pacific, Jetstar Asia Airways, Impulse, Virgin blue Airlines. The number of competitors is very high and with the emergence of low cost carrier and deregulation the internal competition has increased and the only reason that
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Table of Contents Introduction Strategic Profile and Case Analysis Situational Analysis General Environment Analysis Industry Analysis Competitive Environment Analysis Internal Analysis Identification of Environmental Opportunities and Threats and Firm Strengths and Weaknesses (SWOT Analysis) Strategy Formulation Strategic Alternatives and Evaluation Alternative Choice Strategic Alternative Implementation Action Items Action Plans
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2.3 Development of Budget Airline in America, Europe and Asia 3. Hong Kong Market Analysis 3.1 Competitive Landscape 3.2 Major Budget Airlines in Hong Kong 3.3 Market Analysis 3.4 Target Customer Analysis 4. SWOT Analysis of Budget Airlines 4.1 Strengths 4.2 Weaknesses 4. 3 Opportunities 4.4 Threats 5. Analysis of Success Factors in Budget Airline Industry 5.1 AirAsia’s Success in Asia 5.2 Oasis’s Failure in Hong Kong 6. Conclusion
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adversely. In 2006, the global airlines industry suffered a net loss of $500m, or 0.1% of revenues, accumulating net losses of $42bn between 2001 and 2006 (International Air Transport Association, 2007). In 2007, the airline industry made a modest net profit of $5.6bn on revenues of $490bn, equivalent to less than 2% margin (International Air Transport Association, 2008). The outlook from 2008 onwards remains bleak. Not surprisingly, the industry is regularly rated as one of the worst performing industries
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