Humans have a history of experimenting on animals, most often in the areas of medical and cosmetics. Humanity would not exist as it is today if animal experimentation was eliminated. The argument animal testing is useful cannot surpass its’ cruelty. With advancements in science and medical technology, animal testing no longer stands as a morally justifiable option. Animal testing lacks proof of necessity because it inhumanely abuses animals, carries inaccuracy, and is outdated. Animal experimentation is an abusive method of testing
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There are lots of defects in laws for Animals in present system and many ambiguities are in execution of new policies. But we need to make some suggestions for better protection of wildlife and to control crimes against Animals in our surroundings for better existence of their on the earth. Some planned and balanced methods are required to protect the rights of Animals in India. As Henry Ford said “don't find fault, find a remedy,” in the same way we have to find remedy not the fault. There are
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millions of animals suffer tremendous pain as a result of scientific studies, commercial testing, and medical research in the United States. Animal testing, the method of using non—humans in means of research, requires the captivity of animal in order to experiment for human breakthroughs and advancements. Although a few of the countless experiments performed contribute to the act of improving lives through the discovery of cures, researchers risk the lives of many and harm these animals in the process
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Animal Testing Animals have the right to be treated like humans. This precept means that animals should never be experimented upon whatever the potential profit for humanity . Most experiments are done on animals that are nothing like human beings: rats and mice. The reaction of a mouse to a substance has no evidence to human reactions also animal Testing can cost huge amount of money annually, but death what will become if the animals are treated inhumanly, Apparently the world relies mainly on
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demonstrate sufficient results, the use of animal experimentation is still a controversial issue. Many people argue that it contradicts moral and ethical values because it makes innocent animals suffer or even die. As a result, social activists declare that animal testing must be forbidden on the legislative level, due to the negative consequences which it can cause on the health of animals. However, one cannot agree with the statement because animal testing is the essential condition of the scientific
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April 2015 Animal Abuse Image a puppy with no clue in the world, a nice looking man takes the puppy home. He is nice at first, all trust is for him. Then beats, starves, and drags the puppy when it is grown. The dog is confused he don’t know why he is being treated that way, but yet still trust in his owner. Even when after time and time again he is beating to the point of broken bones. The dog can’t run away or cry for help: he is chained to a tree with about three feet of rope. Animals have been
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2016 The Morality of Animal Testing in Cosmetic Companies Preface The ethical treatment of animal testing is a controversial topic in the field of zoology. Different aspects on animal testing range from positivity to negativity. Animals such as dogs and rats are used for experimental trials because they have been found to have psychological and genetic correlations that relate to humans. Although the benefits and improvements to modern medicine made it possible to ban animal experimentation completely
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coming and going, experimenting on you? Would you feel good? This is what actually happens to animals. I believe that animal testing is horrible and should not be continued. Why this is important is because of my reasons, that are: first it is expensive; second that it is inaccurate; and my third and most important reason is because animal testing abuses an animal rights. My first reason why I think animal testing is bad is because it is really expensive. According to Vittana “... the total cost of caring
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Animal Rights: Abuse and Neglect Essay Animal rights are considerably lower than human rights, which makes sense due humans academic knowledge, religious and spiritual knowledge and communication. What does not make sense is the cruelty that is subjected onto the animal by these “higher beings”. If humans are so much higher on the totem pole, then why are they the one’s acting as the true beast? They beat, exploit, and even kill animals for their own gain; the animals’ have no real rights in the
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Animal Testing: Necessary Evil or Just Evil? Krista Surratt Stanly Community College Table of Contents Cover Page ………………………………………………………………………………………..1 Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………2 Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………...3 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….4 Background …………………………………………………………………………………….…4 Proposed Plan …………………………………………………………………………………….6 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………..7 References ……………………………………………………………………………………
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