Atrial Fibrillation

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    furosemide 80mg was administered IV push and patient was provided with an indwelling foley catheter which is draining clear yellow urine. Past Medical History is significant for Hypertension, Diabetes, Congestive Heart failure, and Atrial Fibrillation with two unsuccessful cardioversions. Medications: Patient currently taking Furosemide, Lisinopril, Digoxin, Metformin, and Glyburide. Patient unable to recall dosages. Past Surgical History is significant for cesarian sections x

    Words: 1602 - Pages: 7

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    Blockage Related Stroke Research Paper

    blood clot breaks loose, then enters the bloodstream and travels through the brain's blood vessels until it reaches vessels too small to let it pass. However, a second important cause of embolism is an irregular heartbeat, known as atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation creates conditions where clots can form in the heart, dislodge or force out and travel to the brain which can cause Ischemic

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    Milestone 2 Organ Systems

    This can result in fast or irregular heartbeats such as atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation. • Obstructive blood flow can occur due to the thickened heart muscle. This can result in shortness of breath with exertion, chest pain, dizziness and fainting

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    Case Study: Arimidex

    INTERVAL HISTORY: The patient reveals that she feels well. She has her usual "old age pains". These pains involve various joints and have not been progressive. She reports that she is still on Pradaxa following her episode of proximal atrial fibrillation. She is currently taking 150 mg

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    Cerebrovascular Accident Research Paper

    A cerebrovascular accident can be caused by underlying risk factors, such as hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and diabetes. Another cause is an artery being blocked by a clot, this is known as an ischemic stroke. This usually happens after a blood vessel has been narrowed by a hardening of the artery. Bleeding in the brain, known as cerebral hemorrhage

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    Drug Brand Name: Synthroid Drug Generic Name: Levothroxine Classification: Thyroid hormone Action: Controls protein synthesis; increases metabolic rate, cardiac output, renal blood flow, O2 consumption, body temp, blood volume, froth, development at cellular level via action on thyroid hormone receptors. Adult Dose: PO 1.7 mcg/kg/day Side Effect: Life Threatening: Thyroid storm, cardiac arrest. Common: Anxiety, insomnia, tremors, headache, excitability, tachycardia

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    Chronic Disease

    include being over age of 55, being a make, being an African American, Hispanic, or Asian/ Pacific Islander, or having a family history of stoke or transient ischemic attack. The controllable risks factors are the following; high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, diabetes, atherosclerosis, circulation problems, tobacco use and smoking, alcohol use, physical inactivity, obesity. High blood pressure means the heart is pumping harder to move blood through the body. This can weaken blood

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    Hypothyroidism Treatment

    Management. Hypothyroidism treatment is an often rewarding, simple and cheap task normally undertaken in general and in sub speciality practice (Roe, 2015). Treating it in a 75-year-old male aims at enhancing the subject's symptoms, thereby allowing better adaptation to the environment. There should be a frequent regulation of the dose to maintain thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) within the lower half of the reference range. Thyroid hormones (L-thyroxine). Hypothyroidism treatment follows an oral

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    Vascular Dementia

    favorite card game) Reduced ability to function in daily life Prevent and treat vascular dementia by reducing your risk for stroke Know your blood pressure. If high, work with your doctor to lower it. Find out from your doctor if you have atrial fibrillation. If you smoke, stop. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

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    Rivaroxaban Case Summary

    thrombin induction of platelet aggregation. Rivaroxaban is used for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis and treatment, pulmonary embolism, surgical hip replacements, stroke, and systemic embolism prophylaxis in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Non-FDA uses for Rivaroxaban include acute coronary syndrome, risk for cardiovascular events, and venous thromboembolism

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