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    An Essay on Family Values: the Family's Feud

    People who grow together as a married couple in the 2000’s tend to raise children that grow up to be happy and virtuous for the good of society. Roland Barthes explains: A myth, like the one mentioned above, “postulates a relation between two terms, a signifier and a signified”, families being the signifiers and their values being the signified (Barthes 112). The trends are that happy families tend to lead more productive lifestyles just as dysfunctional families are more prone to immoral ways of living

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    Two Need to Play This Game

    questions are raised. The aim of this paper is to show that the narrator is distinct from the author but sometimes they intersect. Thus Ronald Barthes statement that the author is dead is not completely true. The authors’ present but it’s not an omnipotent presence, controlling the universal subject (the reader). But this does make the reader all powerful. Barthes implies in his essay Death of the Author. The reader follows the patterns presented by the author but the final impression, overall opinion

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    Evolution Of Photography Research Paper

    Defining a photograph today, the age where digital technology is dominant comes with great difficulty. The traditional use of chemicals to produce fixed photographic pictures and analogue photography being the pioneers of the first photograph are gradually being forgotten. Traditional photography is no longer widely practised and may soon, no longer be in existence. Grant Romer says that, “the stretching and blurring of the definition of “photograph” is a direct result of the evolution of electronic

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    Semiotic and Discursive Analysis

    A semiotic and discursive analysis of Givenchy’s Gentlemen Only advertisement Advertisements are common within society and we are constantly subjected to them in our everyday lives. On the surface, it is simply the way businesses market products. However some argue it also advertises lifestyles and social identities (Dyer, 1982). Semiotic analysis is the study of “signs” to understand the underlying rules of messages we receive, and looks at the sign itself, the codes which organise it and the

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    Advertisement Analysis

    DESIGN SCHOOL SOUTHERN AFRICA BACHELOR OF ARTS IN INTERIOR DESIGN by PRECIOUS CHIRWA SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS | DESIGN CULTURE 1B:ADVERT ANALYSIS | | | JHB CAMPUSDATE : 08 SEPTEMBER 2015LECTURER : GERDA LEROUX | | | Table of contents Page 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 3 2. What are semiotics? …………………………………………………….. 4 3. The three orders of significations ……………………………………… 4 4. Advertisement analysis …………………………………………………

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    Hypertext Analysis

    Hyper teksto analizė Kas yra hypertekstas? Hipertekstas yra tekstas, kuris nėra suvaržytas yra linijiniu ėjimu. Hipertekstas yra tekstas, kuriame yra nuorodos į kitus tekstus. Terminas buvo sukurtas Ted Nelson maždaug 1965m. Hipermedia yra terminas, kuris naudojamas hiperteksto, jis nėra suvaržytas, tad tekstas gali būti grafikos, vaizdo ir garso. Hiperteksto terminas pradžioje buvo naudojamas apibrėžti tik tekstiniams dokumentams, kurių atskiros dalys gali būti susietos nuorodomis su kitais

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    Media Studies

    1. Introduction It is highly believed that fashion magazines contain various portrayals of women not only because fashion magazines target women as their biggest readers, but also become the facilitator to teach women how they view themselves in feminine elegant ways just like most women want them to be. Nonetheless, those views are more likely shaped by how the society views a woman. As such, if fashion magazines are indeed in the means of shaping women's view as well as society's view of

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    Georges Perec - Does He Denounce Consumer Society in 'Les Choses'

    Perec nous dit, “je ne suis pas un moraliste, je suis un écrivain. Cela dit mon projet de départ, est un projet réaliste, donc un projet moral. » Dans quelle mesure peut-on dire que Les Choses constitue une condamnation morale de la société de consommation? For Georges Perec, this question warrants the response – ‘People who think I have denounced consumer society have understood absolutely nothing about my book’ (Bellos: 1965). It is not as easy however for the everyday reader to fully comprehend

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    distinction between the two the semiotic method uses denotation and connotation. Denotation describes the surface meaning while the connotation describes the deeper, hidden meaning of a sign. According to Roland Barthes a myth is defined by its intention rather than by its literal sense (Barthes, 4). Barthes continue by stating that the purpose of a myth is not to hide things on

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    King Lear

    Silence in King Lear Cordelia’s silence in King Lear by Shakespeare can be analyzed through different views. Here in this essay I try to criticize this matter through the principles of Kate Millet, Louis Althusser’s hegemony, Jacques Lacan, Roland Barthes, and Michele Foucault’s epitome and language. Although Cordelia’s presence in this play is not much frequent in comparison with the rest of other characters, her silence can reveal exciting information about the historical roots of renaissance. In

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