Benefits From The Unethical

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    Corporate Scandal Analysis – Samsung Group

    Re: Corporate Scandal Analysis – Samsung Group Introduction This report examines Samsung’s corporate scandal using three elements of the fiasco: unethical practices, poor internal controls, and the dysfunctional behaviours of corporate managers. The report includes recommendations on what counter measures should be in place to prevent future fiascos of Samsung Group. About Samsung Group The Samsung Group is the Korean’s largest conglomerate. The $160 billion Samsung Group is a source of Korea’s

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    Eron Code of Ethics

    founded by Kenneth Lay, Andrew Fastow, and Jeffrey Skilling which relocated in Houston, Tx. In the late 90’s, the gas market changed from government regulations to competitions deciding on the price of energy. With the new change, Enron began selling its product to businesses as the intermediary instead of the primary supplier. Enron began trading contracts from suppliers and issued long term contracts to pipeline companies instead of buying and selling natural gas. The company began to see large

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    Ethics in Accountancy Case Analysis

    Ethics in Accountancy Case Analysis Case 2-5: Eating Time 1. Frame the ethical issue: Should Kevin Lowe “eat time” by taking work home and not record the time? 2. Gathering all the facts: * Kevin Lowe is a new staff accountant at Stooges LLP * Kevin took 50% longer to complete audit work than his predecessor. * Stooges LLP is on a fixed budget for these audits. * Bo Chambers and Moe Chambers are partners supervising Kevin. * Bo and Mo explicitly say that they do not

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    Folly Of Outrage Summary

    “Folly of Outrage: Talk Radio's Unethical and Damaging Business Model” some of the focus is about on-air comments or discussion are ruin standard business model and new avenues becoming more acceptable. However nowadays talk radio behavior of becoming immoral and unethical being acceptable by management and ownership. This kind of talk radio is bringing in more listeners, attention, and revenue. In this article, it talks about the outrage of radio and some benefits in the change of moderate day radio

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    Business Research Ethics

    times there have been stories of unethical research that has taken place in society and rather than work toward managing a business for the better, we find that research was and has harmed companies and consumers involved. In 2007 and 2008 GlaxoSmithKilne was fined over $80,000 for the killing of 14 babies during an illegal lab research vaccine trial. Glaxo plead guilty and paid a criminal fine for misreporting data and failing to report adverse safety data from post marketing studies (Belkin)

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    Ethics and Compliance Program

    obedience to the law as well. Some feel that ethics are derived from logical reasoning or observation. Others may feel it is the gut feeling that decides ethics. Companies with no ethical program stand the risk of limited or no success with unethical behavior. Leadership must be the leading example of the ethical and compliance program. Planning an ethical and compliance program could be a huge undertaken in the beginning, but the benefits are astounding and worthwhile (Rae & Wong, 2012). This plan

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    Current Ethics

    performing arts complex, had presented the resignation as a sudden but understandable decision by a cultural leader who wanted to return to producing shows for the stage, where he had spent much of his career. In reality, Mr. Bernstein, 61, was forced from the top post after an anonymous complaint revealed that he had been involved in a consensual relationship with a woman in her 30s who worked for him and whom he had twice promoted, according to two people briefed on his resignation. They spoke on condition

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    Ethical Issues In The Short Story Skoolt, By Henrietta Lack

    viewed as just abstractions, people without any value. Various ways the scientific community and the media are guilty viewing Henrietta and her family as abstractions. From the moment, Henrietta’s cells were removed from her body it was clear that none of the doctors or researchers had any value for her as a person because of the unethical way they went about obtaining what they needed for their research. Their perspectives become even clearer once Henrietta died. The news of her death reached Gey’s

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    10 Commandments of Cumputer Ethics

    use a computer to harm other people. Explanation:This commandment says that it is unethical to use a computer to harm another user. It is not limited to physical injury. It includes harming or corrupting other users' data or files. The commandment states that it is wrong to use a computer to steal someone's personal information. Manipulating or destroying files of other users is ethically wrong. It is unethical to write programs, which on execution lead to stealing, copying or gaining unauthorized

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    Tuskkegee Syphilis Study

    of the most unethical studies ever in United States history. This story became widely publicized in 1972 which caused the research to cease. Unethical research such as not disclosing the real reasons for the study left men sick and vulnerable. It eventually affected the men and their families. The effects of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study were felt for many years and many generations later. One positive outcome was the implementation of the National Research Act of 1974. The unethical acts could

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