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    Alternative Medicine

    Cover Page There are many other alternatives to modern methods of medical treatment. With modern medicine being the standard there must be unconventional routes that one can take to achieve the goal of good health. Those alternatives include acupuncture, herbal remedies and yoga. Though modern medicine can be diverse it also can be very complex and in contradiction with the human body. Most medicine is animal based

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    Hi Mommy, this is only a draft so, do not mind the font or the spacing. Foot and Mouth Disease Pathology Hand, foot and mouth disease symptoms * Symptoms generally start to appear 3-7 days after becoming infected with the virus; * Initial symptoms are mild fever, tiredness, reduced appetite, and sore throat; * The characteristic features — mouth sores and skin rash — usually develop one or 2 days after the onset of fever; * The rash appears as flat or raised red spots, which may

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    What Kinds of Applications Are Described Here? What Business Functions Do They Support? How Do They Improve Operational Efficiency and Decision Making?

    Ninety percent of all postpartum hemorrhages are caused by uterine atony-that is, failure of the uterine muscles to contract normally after the baby and placenta are delivered. The blood vessels supplying the placenta during pregnancy are severed when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus. The bleeding that results from these severed vessels normally stops when the uterus contracts, compressing the vessels. However, if the uterus doesn't contract enough, the bleeding can continue. Significant

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    Chart of Otc Medical Conditions

    post-viral cough (dry), or associated with another URTI.Other coughs could be a sign of bronchitis, sinusitis or more severe conditions.Refer if other symptoms present! | * Productive cough – expectorant, decongestant * Non-productive cough – suppressant (anti-tussive, e.g. pholcodine) * Allergy related – antihistamine | * Avoid strenuous activity * Maintain fluids | Croup (acute cough, laryngotracheo-bronchitis) | * Barking, seal-like cough * Worse at night * High occurrence in children

    Words: 3665 - Pages: 15

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    Biology Body Systems

    Group 3 Respiratory System * Consists of organs responsible for carrying oxygen from the air to the bloodstream and for expelling the waste product carbon dioxide. * Air passes from the nose or mouth via various respiratory passages, to millions of balloons like sacs, the alveoli in the lungs. Respiration -term for the processes by which oxygen reaches body cells and is utilized by them in metabolism bywhich carbon dioxide is eliminated. Parts of the Respiratory System * Nose-The

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    Introduction to Bone Health and Vitamins/Minerals

    Introduction to Bone Health and Vitamins/Minerals – Week 5: iLab A. Where are they found or come from? B .What are they recommended for? C. What is the dose? D. Are there any warnings about this use of the substance? E. Include personal experience with any of these substances if you would like to disclose 1.  Cascara Sagrada A. Cascara sagrada is the dried bark of the buckthorn Rhamnus purshiana tree. B. Relieving occasional constipation (irregularity). C. 300 mg capsule

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    An Inquiry Into the Effects of Tobacco Smoke on the Lungs Using a Hooka

    An Inquiry into the Effects of Tobacco Smoke on the Lungs Using a Hooka To begin with, the experiment that was conducted in the laboratory was on the effect of cigarette smoke on mollusc gill cilia. The cigarette smoke is composed of toxins, and oxidative chemicals that poses a major stress on the airway epithelium. “Each puff of cigarette smoke contains >1014 oxidant molecules and >1000 xenobiotics , and exposure to cigarette smoke evokes significant biologic changes in the airway epithelium

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    Social Responsibility

    Social Responsibility Social Responsibility Lori Spain WGU April 23, 2013 Social Responsibility Company X, is my client that I will be developing a social responsibility strategy for. Sustainability and social responsibility issues for 21st century businesses will be addressed domestically

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    Air Pollution in Kuwait

    airn Air Pollution and Health in Kuwait Student’s Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Introduction Kuwait is a relatively successful country in the Middle East. It has a rich history though with both the positive and the negative sides alike. Every time the name Kuwait is mentioned, one may not fail to think of its natural endowments in terms of oil. Though this is a common case to most of the Middle East countries, Kuwait stands out as one of the

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    Time for Change

    Humans have cultivated cannabis for years. The use of the plant goes back as far as agricultural history goes. It has uses such as a food source, as a material for clothes, and even as a religious herb. For years the US government banned cannabis, but in 2013, nineteen states have decriminalized the cultivation of the plant. It is important that one knows the reasoning behind the illegalization of cannabis. According to Pete Guither, Cannabis was made illegal in the 1930's due to anti-Mexican

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