LETTRR OF TRANSMITTAL 17TH DECEMBER, 2012. TO Dr.A.K.M.Helal ul zaman Director of MBA program Faculty of Business ASA University Bangladesh. Subject: Women Entrepreneurship A study on some selected Boutique Business in Chittagong. Dear Sir, This is a great honor for us to hand you the report about Women Entrepreneurship: A study of some selected Boutique business in Chittagong, completed on different boutique house belongs to women’s. However, we have tried to attain practical knowledge
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Bangladesh Software and IT Service Industry Recent Trends & Dynamics Software and IT service industry in Bangladesh has crossed a long road over the last few decades. It has matured. The industry no more remains at the sideline. It joined the mainstream. Not only the industry is contributing significantly in the national income, but also it has been playing very crucial role in creating high quality employment for a sizable portion of young graduates of the country. The presence of high number of
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this paper is to investgate whether i there is any relationship between HRMPs and organizational performance, regarding Standard Chartered Bank in Bangladesh. This study aims to investigate the relationship of training, employee participation, and selection with perceived organiz ational performance in the context of Standard Chartered Bank in Bangladesh. This study is co -relational in nature and it will examine the correlation among these variables. A single set of sample will be considered for this
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the whole organization including its whole HR activities, its each and every part of HR planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection process and forecasting. Specific Objective: • To find how this company maintains its HR activities. • To know about the methods how this company collects the information for job analysis and what are the methods it follows for conducting job analysis. • To know what are the major elements of recruitment and selections process and how these processes
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7 1,506,07 7 1,313,393 6 1,578,652 609,920 433,146 - of stock ex over of the co t couple of ye 7 1 3 2 xchange of th ompany durin ears. he ng 5 HR Practices in Renata Limited 1.10 Industry Overview Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh To ensure peoples body fitness there is no other alternative of medicine. So we have to depend on the pharmaceuticals companies. There are many types’
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UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Corporate Tax Planning ------------------------------------------------- Term Paper: Tax Incentives for Attracting FDI and Some Policy Recommendation University Of Dhaka Department of Accounting & Information Systems MBA Program Course title: Corporate Tax Planning A Term Paper on "Tax incentives
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PAD: 201 Handout-2 (MrM) Public Administration in Bangladesh Structure of Bangladesh State The Bangladesh constitution provides for a Parliamentary form of government with the Prime Minister as Chief Executive and a President as the head of the State with very circumscribed powers. The President is elected by Parliament and the Prime Minister is a Member of Parliament. The Prime Minister appoints and heads a Cabinet of Ministers which is collectively responsible to Parliament. The Unicameral
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and, sometimes, various governments around the world. Merchant banks are not like ordinary bank where individuals can open up accounts by making deposits. At birth, Bangladesh inherited an interest based banking system, which was introduced here earlier when the country was a part of British Colony. Since its inception Bangladesh saw a new trend in banking both at home and
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for which relatively happy. As a third world developing country, Bangladesh is far behind to reach the expected level in global banking system. So it is our urgent need to upgrade its banking system. This study has been done mainly based on primary and secondary sources of data or information, which included different publications. This paper is aimed at to determine the present scenario of e-banking and banking sectors in Bangladesh and at the same time it demonstrated the scope and benefits of e-banking
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the managing their assets liabilities and then I have shown their liquidity analysis through the external analysis to assess their recent market condition. The whole analysis part is undergone from 2004 to 2008. In this analysis part I have analyzed different ratio related to liquidity management so that liquidity position of CBL can easily be assessed. Then I have shown the maturity model from 2004 to 2008. In this analysis CBL’s weighted average assets and liabilities are compared. Here we can see
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