Citizen Watch

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    Examples Of Brainwashing In Brave New World

    Brainwashing in Brave New World In today’s twenty-first century society, citizens appear to be fairly content with life. They have a materialistic mindset and possesses a false faith in the government. In his novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley creates a world with a hidden uncanny resemblance to today’s society. The motif of Brainwashing is used by the government in several forms throughout the read, such as drugs, hypnotism and physical torture, to manipulate the public. The World State in

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    Dystopia Text Set

    Text Set  Introduction  Jeff Utegg  After reading The Giver and The Hunger Games, we were set out on the task to find a  common theme.  In an ideal situation, teachers would be able to embellish on these young adult books  by supporting them with supplemental sources. Through the use of newspaper articles, magazines,  picture books, videos, trailers and clips, and electronics our tenth grade English class will explore and  discover the theme; dystopia paired with defiance.   Dystopia literally means “ bad uptopia”

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    The Role of Mainstream Media and Social Media in Nirbhaya Gang Rape Case

    beaten and gang raped on 16 December 2012 in Delhi and died few days later while she was undergoing treatment for gastrointestinal and brain damage from the disastrous ordeal (Bhandopadhyay and Singh, 2015). The lady and her male companion had gone to watch a film in Saket in South Delhi that evening. After the movie they boarded a bus at Munirkwa that was headed to Dwarka that they thought was public. There were five other passengers on the bus who were friends of the driver. The lady’s friend became

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    The Pros And Cons Of Domestic Surveillance

    surveillance, and drone surveillance are used by the U.S. government in an effort to protect its citizens before it is too late. To begin, video surveillance is a method used to keep citizens safe. A case in which surveillance cameras would have helped, found in a New York Times article by Nick Bilton, is “the case of Mr. Martin, an unarmed black teenager who was fatally shot by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, [where] the most crucial evidence about how the altercation between the two began-

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    George Zimmerman's Arguments Against The Stand Your Ground Law

    Trayvon Martin was only 17 years old, when he was gunned down and shot to death by George Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman at the time was the neighborhood watch on patrol for anything suspicious. He noticed a young African American male, now known as Trayvon Martin. He described Trayvon as a ‘thug’ walking alone with a hoodie over his head. Mr. Zimmerman then made a call to 911 dispatcher. He was concerned about an unknown male walking in a neighborhood he did not belong to. Despite being told several

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    American Impressionism Vs German Expressionism

    Art in the early 20th century was all about escaping from the harsh realities that were present during and after World War I. As citizens were experiencing an array of emotions, they turned to different forms of artistic expression to help cope with their anxieties and worries. Out of this arose the German Expressionist movement and the Surrealist movement, both deriving out of the European areas of the world. Through this, filmakers such as the German Robery Wiene and the Spanish Luis Bunel and

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    Power Point

    “authentic,” a native born citizen or a naturalized one? Is there any difference? 5. What is the difference? 6. Who deserves/should deserve citizenship? Why? 7. What did you do to “earn” your citizenship? 8. What did your ancestors do to become citizens? 9. What should new immigrants have to do to become legal? 10. What are some things that you have heard people say about “illegal immigrants/immigration”? Halfway Point Reactions – if you watch in two viewings 1. What

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    Brave New World Comparative Essay

    the governments have different views on the control of sex and morality. In the novel Brave New World it is obvious that the government is in complete control of its society. Within this government it control the thoughts, actions and fate of all citizens starting from before the human is even born. "We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies and socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewer Workers or future...He was going to say future World Controllers, but correcting

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    Hamlet Act 4 Scene 4

    consisted of both high and low class citizens. Shakespeare made his plays enjoyable to his diverse audience by making them relatable. Hamlet’s speech in Act 4 Scene 4 is one that does exactly that. It can relate to its various listeners, but still be interpreted differently by each one. The original Hamlet performance was astounding to the Elizabethan audience

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    Society in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four  The citizens in Nineteen Eighty-Four live in a world polar opposite of perfect. They are constantly being watched and oppressed by big brother and the thought police. The citizens live an unorthodox life due to the totalitarian government. The theme of dystopia is evident in nineteen eighty-four because information, independent thought and freedom are restricted, a figurehead is worshipped by citizens, and they are under constant surveillance.   Firstly

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