RIGA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LAW THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL STATE RESPONSIBILITY NATIONAL SPACE LEGISLATION IN THE EU (title) INTO MASTER’S THESIS AUTHOR: DMYTRO CHYBISOV LL.M 2007/2008 year student student number LLM00703 JANE SMITH________________ (name, surname) TUTOR: Professor____________________ (academic title) DECLARATION OF HONOUR: I declare that this thesis is my own work, and that all references to, or quotations from, the work of others are fully and correctly cited
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ABSTRACT] quirement to purchase health insurance. It also examines some recent Canadian constitutional law cases to anticipate possible future legal challenges to health care reform in the United States. INTRODUCTION The question of the reform of the American system of financing health care has, of course, recently been a central focus of debate in American politics. Because the author of this paper is something of a "political junkie" and keeping current on this issue seemed a desirable part of being
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Hospitality Industry, Management Control Systems, Performance Measurement, Contingency Approach, Multiple Case Study The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze the use of management control systems in the hospitality industry. Purpose: Methodology: The study is mainly a descriptive, multiple case study based on deductive reasoning. However, explanatory elements occur. The nature of the study is to a large extent qualitative and is primarily based on interviews and analysis of current management
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AUGUST 2004 Communications and Information THE TONGUE AND QUILL COMMUNICATING IS A POWERFUL TOOL FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY AIR FORCE The Tongue and Quill is dedicated to every man and woman in today’s Air Force who will ever sling ink at paper, pound a keyboard, give a briefing, or staff a package to support the mission. Currently, The Tongue and Quill is widely used by Air Force military and civilian members, professional military school educators and students, and civilian corporations
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former Institute Fellow, Simon Parker, and in the later stages was overseen by the Institute’s Programme Director, Jill Rutter. It needs to be read alongside our working paper, System Stewardship, which looks at the future of policy making. Further information about the Institute’s work on better policy making, including case studies from the ‘Policy Reunions’ and details of follow up events can be found in the Better Policy Making section of our website at
Words: 49085 - Pages: 197
Anthropological and Accounting Knowledge in Islamic Banking and Finance: Rethinking Critical Accounts Author(s): Bill Maurer Reviewed work(s): Source: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Dec., 2002), pp. 645667 Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3134937 . Accessed: 27/02/2012 02:27 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available
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Policy Planning Secretary of the Commission Report Drafters and Contributors Louis Silvia, Assistant Director, Bureau of Economics David Meyer, Bureau of Economics Sarah M. Mathias, Office of General Counsel Policy Studies Michael S. Wroblewski, Assistant General Counsel Policy Studies Phillip L. Broyles, Assistant Director, Bureau of Competition J. Elizabeth Callison, Bureau of Economics Jeffrey Fischer , Bureau of Economics Nicolas J. Franczyk, Bureau of Competition Daniel E. Gaynor, Bureau of Economics
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Enablers of Exuberance Jennifer S. Taub Sept. 4, 2009 DISCUSSION DRAFT Enablers of Exuberance: Legal Acts and Omissions that Facilitated the Global Financial Crisis Jennifer S. Taub1 I. Introduction This paper explores certain legal acts and omissions that facilitated the over-leveraging and near collapse of the global financial system. These ―Legal Enablers‖ fostered the boom that enriched a class of financial intermediaries who followed a storied tradition of gambling away ―other people‘s money
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NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLITICS GUIDE TO FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL CITATIONS FIRST EDITION ● 2006 © Copyright 2006 by New York University Contents FORWARD AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................. xiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................................................................................................
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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2004 Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World Accommodating people’s growing demands for their inclusion in society, for respect of their ethnicity, religion, and language, takes more than democracy and equitable growth. Also needed are multicultural policies that recognize differences, champion diversity and promote cultural freedoms, so that all people can choose to speak their language, practice their religion, and participate in shaping their culture— so that all people
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