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    Assessing the Impact of Globalization on the Caribbean Business Environment

    The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of globalization on the Caribbean business environment. Much has been written about globalization which is more accurately viewed as a process of change rather that an event which has already occurred. The impact of globalization on any environment can be both positive and negative and can be described as the enablers or the constraints which affect the decisions made by leaders, both government and business. It also refers to the way these choices

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    Economic Integration

    move toward such integration was driven by the need to mitigate against the constraints of small size on development, as well as there were other non-eceonomic objectives. These included “attaining national independence, sharing the costs of common services, pooling bargaining power in international environment and instituting a common West Indian identity.” Girwan continues by stating emphatically that “economic integration is still a work in progress for the Caribbean peoples; and what has been accomplished

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    Community Organizing

    happening in our community. Particularly those groups of individuals living in rural communities, being described as those living in country side or far flang areas where in their source of services is from the police, fire department, schools, specially hospitals and health services are most often limited or shared among multiple communities. Since rural life is very different from both city and suburban life, and it needs to be address, a community organizing needs to be adopt. Community organizing

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    The Experiences of Volunteering and Service Learning: a Case Study of a Service Learning Project at “Crossroads Foundation”

    THE EXPERIENCES OF VOLUNTEERING AND SERVICE LEARNING: A CASE STUDY OF A SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT AT “CROSSROADS FOUNDATION” Samuel, Ho Lee, Fullness Social Enterprises Society, Lingnan University, Erica, Kim Man Lee, Fullness Social Enterprises Society, Lingnan University, Mike, Hyung Min Lee, Dongguk University, Jacqueline Kelleher, Pace University, Katy Kaestner, Trinity University, ABSTRACT

    Words: 2600 - Pages: 11

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    The Importance Of Social Capital

    individual in groups and networks to secure benefits (Sobel 2002). While, Bourdieu (1986) described it as, an attribute of an individual in a social context derived from advantages and opportunities available to and through certain members of the community. Likewise, pioneer social capital theorist (Coleman 1988; 1990) had conceptualised and studied social capital as individual resource which is socially structured; and the extent of social capital is denoted by the actual and potential resources accessible

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    A Theory-Based Approach to the Relationship between Social Capital and Communities of Practice El-Sayed Abou-Zeid John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Abstract: There is almost a consensus that tacit component of organisational knowledge is of critical strategic importance because, unlike explicit knowledge, it is both inimitable and appropriable. Because of its characteristics, organisational tacit knowledge is usually created and shared

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    Liberal Arts Breadth and My Education

    LIBERAL ARTS BREADTH AND MY EDUCATION 3 Liberal Arts Breadth and My Education There are many benefits to getting a Liberal Arts degree in today’s economic market. It is a message to your employer that you are willing to take on new information, and learn more then what is necessary to succeed. It shows initiative and the ability to expand your horizons beyond yourself. In a Liberal Arts education there is more purpose then just learning the career field of choice. It is a program that teaches critical

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    If you are considering a professional aviation career, think seriously about the adjective that modifies aviation. "Professional," as defined by the dictionary, means "of, engaged in, or worthy of the high standards of, a profession; designating or of a school, especially a graduate school, offering instruction in a profession." Further consider "professional" as a noun — "a person practicing a profession; a person who engages in some art, sport, etc. for money, especially for his livelihood, rather

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    College Dropouts

    College Dropouts: Can CSM do more? Every year even a greater number of high school graduates decide to attend, four year and community, college as an extension of their parents’ “American Dream”. Yet consistently even a greater number of them become college dropouts after a short stay. Yvonne Raley states in “Why We Quit” that “Two-year public colleges have a worse record, graduating fewer than 30 percent of their students” (5). The question is: What is causing this and what

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    Incarceration And Prison Case Study

    What are the best practices for services and programming available for prisoners? Introduction There are about 2.3 million people currently in the nation’s prisons and jails. (that would be 1 in 10 Americans). The US leads the world in mass incarceration. The US has more people in jail than China and Russia combined. (Stern, 2014). The majority of people would relate punishment with prison. And they are not far from the truth as prisons are facilities that give retribution to people for their bad

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