125 [pic]GHANA TRADES UNION CONGRESS MEDIUM TERM POLICIES FOR THE QUADRENNIAL 2008 -2012 [DRAFT] GHANA TRADES UNION CONGRESS Contents PART 1 3 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 3 Challenges at the International Level 3 Challenges at the National Level 4 Challenges at the workplace 8 PART 2 10 GHANA TUC’S PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND DEMOCRACY 10 Human Development Objectives 12 Democratic Participation
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Introduction “We, as peace-keepers, represent the United Nations and are present in the country to help it recover from the trauma of a conflict. As a result we must consciously be prepared to accept special constraints in our public and private lives in order to do the work and to pursue the ideals of the United Nations Organization” United Nations DPKO [1] These words illustrate the highest standards of integrity and conduct that need
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INTRODUCTION Much of the literature about the liberation struggle in the South-East Lowveld has documented different counter strategies by the RSF but propaganda as one of the strategy has been partially covered. The study focuses on Rhodesia Front government’s propaganda as a counter insurgency strategy to the guerrilla activities. Propaganda is the control of public opinion. There are three types of propaganda that is white, grey and black propaganda. White propaganda is the dissemination of the
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ARTICLE Celina Del Felice and Andria Wisler The Unexplored Power and Potential of Youth as Peace-builders Journal of Peace Conflict & Development Issue 11, November 2007 available from www.peacestudiesjournal.org.uk ARTICLE The Unexplored Power and Potential of Youth as Peace-builders By Celina Del Felice and Andria Wisler1 1 Celina Del Felice is a PhD student at CIDIN (Centre for International Development Issues Nijmegen), University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands (www.ru.nl/cidin)
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MANAGING CULTURAL DIFFERENCES SIXTHEDITION MANAGING CULTURAL DIFFERENCES SERIES Managing Cultural Differences: Global Leadership Strategies for the 21 st Century, Sixth Edition Philip R. Harris, Ph.D., Robert T. Moran, Ph.D., Sarah V. Moran, M.A. Managing Cultural Diversity in Technical Professions Lionel Laroche, Ph.D Uniting North American Business—NAFTA Best Practices Jeffrey D. Abbot and Robert T. Moran, Ph.D. Eurodiversity: A Business Guide to Managing Differences George Simons
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democracy around the globe. With the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 and the end of the Cold War, the ‘third wave’ of democratization, which started in the early seventies, now encompasses countries in Asia and Africa.1 And even in states whose governments continue to resist a more open and participatory form of governance, such as North Korea, Burma or Zimbabwe, the idea of democracy is a powerful force that inspires people to take on a more active role in public life
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Impact of Nigeria's Bilateral Investment Agreements in Oil and Gas on the Right to Health and the Right to a Healthy Environment: A Case Study of the Niger Delta” Full Name of Student (Your student registration number) A XXXXXXXXXXX DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF DEGREE OF XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX UNIVERITY
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Instructions for authors, permissions and subscription information: E-mail: bilgi@uidergisi.com Web: www.uidergisi.com Is Terrorism Still a Democratic Phenomenon? Erica CHENOWETH Assist. Prof. Dr., The University of Denver, The Josef Korbel School of International Studies To cite this article: Chenoweth, Erica, “Is Terrorism Still a Democratic Phenomenon?", Uluslararası İlişkiler, Volume 8, No 32 (Winter 2012), p. 85-99. Copyright @ International Relations Council of Turkey (UİK-IRCT). All
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Corruption and Development Making the link between corruption and development: An Appraisal of Selected SIDS Genève Phillip (Ms) University of the West Indies Author Note Ms. Genève Phillip, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago c/o Head, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences E-mail: geneve.phillip@sta.uwi.edu/genphillip18@yahoo.com Abstract: The development strategies of small island developing states have promoted extensive
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Democracy, Religion and Inequality University of Groningen Faculty of Economics and Business Bachelor Thesis International Economics and Business Name Student: Yitian Jing Student ID Number: s2012790 Student email: y.jing@student.rug.nl Date Thesis: Jun. 5th, 2012 Name Supervisor: Dr. Robbert K. J. Maseland First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my advisor, Dr. R. K. J. Maseland, for his academic guidance and encouragement throughout the
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