Robert Kremer is a 77-year-old male who has a binaural, sensorineural hearing loss. He has had this hearing loss since he was 7 years old. Robert hearing loss has progressed and he is need of stronger amplification because he relying more on visual cues. In order to make Robert’s quality of life better, I have made some recommendation to best treat his condition and lifestyle. Since Mr. Kremer has not had an audiological testing in the past five years, I would like to retest his hearing before making
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can help you with getting a job, enjoying your vacation even more, and believe it or not, it can help with keeping your memory. There are many ways to learn a new language, such as, asking questions, study until your brain hurts, and also having conversation. Learning Spanish can help you better understand and appreciate the culture and can also help broaden your English vocabulary. Spanish is everywhere! About four hundred million people in the world are Spanish speaking. In four continents Spanish
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UnME current media consists of television advertising, magazine print advertising, radio advertising, a corporate website, online banner and display advertising and “key word” advertising. The positive about the current media plan is that it integrates a variety of media to reach its target market of women 12-24. The negative is that the current media plan is based on one-way communication while the media habits of its target market are changing rapidly. Its traditional media plan might not be effective
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Journal Prompt #2 Trying to create a discussion with another person can be very difficult. Often, it gets embarrassing when the conversation just awkwardly stops or if the conversation doesn’t flow properly or it gets boring when you just ask simple questions such as “What’s your favourite color?” or “What do you like to do when you have spare time?”. In the end, you might feel like that you and they could’ve had a good discussion. Let alone a whole class discussion where people argue who speaks
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this piece. Bazelon sets the stage for the topic in the first paragraph, but doesn’t jump get into the actual conversation until paragraph number two. This is a delayed use of the lead, which is common when writing a feature story. These pieces are not meant to inform the reader of current affairs or news breaks. Instead, these types of pieces are put together to dive deep into a conversation that has multiple angles and points of view. By the time the second paragraph starts the author is further into
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is written with scenic presentation. The language in “Baglady” is easy to read, not many difficult words are used. It is not a very emotional text, you don’t hear about a lot of feelings, it mostly describes the surroundings instead. You don’t really hear a lot of speech between the different characters. There are a few conversations mentioned between Daphne and her husband Rollo. And in those conversations they talk about the fact that Daphne doesn’t want to go on the trip, but Rollo insists that
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[Corpus란?] ⇒①Principled collection of ②naturally occurring text stored electronically ①Principled collection The texts in a corpus need to represent the type of lg that the corpus is intending to capture 예) representative of written lg -> need to make a comprehensive list of the different written lg situations (소설, 산문, 편지, 사무실 메모 등등..) ②Naturally occurring text Lg that is from actual lg situation such as friends chatting, meeting, letters, class assignments
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Growing up in the Bay Area of California, I was exposed to many different cultures, religions, and ideologies outside my own and from a young age was insatiably curious about the richness of culture around me. I have also been profoundly impacted by my experience as a child of a parent with disability, which is an often overlooked aspect of diversity. I have witnessed both the resiliency and courage as well as the invisibility and sometimes dehumanization process that can occur when people become
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communication either me expressing what I deem important and of course Aaron has no desire to discuss or vice versa. One of us is opting from mental withdrawal whether we are mentally drained, or overwhelmed it causes a decrease in the quality of our conversation and in the quantity. 3: Describe
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there are differences in the phonological systems of Russian and English. Therefore, it is relatively difficult for Russians to acquire English standards of pronunciation. For example, Russian language has only 6 vowel sounds with practically no difference between short and long vowels. English has a lot of sounds with very hard pronunciation. Therefore, for me up till now is very difficult to distinguish difference and say correctly bed or bad, seat or sit. Also, It’s hard to say sound like in
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