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Learning Spanish Research Paper

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Learning Spanish can be very helpful in many ways! It can help you with getting a job, enjoying your vacation even more, and believe it or not, it can help with keeping your memory. There are many ways to learn a new language, such as, asking questions, study until your brain hurts, and also having conversation. Learning Spanish can help you better understand and appreciate the culture and can also help broaden your English vocabulary. Spanish is everywhere! About four hundred million people in the world are Spanish speaking. In four continents Spanish is the official language and is the “mother tongue” in twenty-one countries. Hispanics account for about forty percent of the population growth in the United States. There is approximately thirty-five million Spanish speaking persons in the U.S. today. Approximately …show more content…
Go to a group study or go to a program where you speak to people that are wanting to learn your language while you are wanting to learn theirs. It’s a win, win situation when chatting with native speakers! I know that when I speak aloud I will more than likely say some words or sentences incorrect, however, I also know that this is okay and I will learn from it. Finding patterns in the Spanish language, or your desired language, I found is also very helpful. For instance, English words ending in “-tion” almost always end in “-ción” in Spanish. When you first learn a new word it is best to use it multiple times in a sentence then use it again later on. Finally, watching movies and TV shows in Spanish may help you learn a language or just keep you refreshed on it. Learning a second language will be especially difficult if you don’t want to do it. Therefore you should make a goal! It is something that you want to do and visualize yourself doing it. Visualize yourself having a conversation in your desired foreign language and get excited about

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