...Why the Pay Gap Exists The initial scapegoat that comes to mind for wage inequality is discrimination instigated by men. Though this is far from nonexistent, it is not the primary reason. Additionally, the “factors other than gender” (Equal Pay Act, 1963) clause of the Equal Pay Act does contribute to cases of wage discrimination, which the Paycheck Fairness Act aims to address. But the most significant factor is need for what Goldin (2015) dubs “temporal flexibility,” the differences in job requirements that women with children look for, such as “the ability to work flexible hours, or maybe work at home some days, maybe complete a project outside the typical corporate schedule” (p. 26). Even today, women are expected to settle down, marry,...
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...Gender pay inequality is one of the most popular social injustices in this time. The pay gap, the difference in male and female wages, has been in the workplace for years. In 2013, the gender pay gap was 78% which means that a woman made 78 cents of a man’s dollar per hour (National Committee on Pay Equity, 2014, para. 2). The pay gap has narrowed since the 1970s, but it won’t go away by itself. It is said that the pay difference is based solely on personal choices. That is not quite true though. In the report Graduating to a Pay Gap: The Earnings of Women and Men One Year After College Graduation (AAUW, 2012), it states that a year after graduation, women were paid 82% of what men were paid. According to The Simple Truth about the Gender...
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...One of the most discussed inequalities in the United States is the inequality regarding pay due to gender. People all over the country and even the globe are affected by this inequality. Whether it is unfairness in the workplace due to career choice influenced by gender or more specifically, job title held, payment inequalities are relevant more than ever in today’s society. In this paper I will look into the benefits and consequences of payment inequalities due to gender and recommend why salary should be equal regardless of gender. People preforming the same job duties day by day are not seeing a horizon in the equality of wage based off of work done. Rather they are seeing an inequality due to their gender. Companies with this inequality...
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...Right now, the unfortunate truth in America is that men and women are not receiving equal pay. An issue since the 1960’s, pay inequality based on gender still seems to an issue running rampant in today’s business world. While many people believe that equal pay is a must for men and women, there are many reasons why bridging the pay gap would hurt the economy, thus actually reeking more havoc than gender pay inequality ever has. Pay inequality is a major issue for many that remains in the forefront of the news. Pay inequality, otherwise known as the pay gap was brought to light in 1963 when the Equal Pay Act of 1963 labor law was amended to abolish wage disparity based on sex (“The Equal Pay Act: Equal Pay for Women”). While this amended law...
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...Pay inequality Rosie went into a job interview with high self-esteem. Since she went to college and was a very good student, she knew this job was going to be her’s. At the end of the week, she got a notice from the company. It said that they thought she was perfect for the job, but the company didn’t give her the job because they didn’t think she would be able to get the work done. Rosie was furious. She didn’t give up. At her next interview, she got the job, but she wasn’t getting paid as much as the other men who worked in the same position as her. She knew she would have a hard time getting a new job, so she decided to deal with the pay inequality. Women’s inequality and educational opportunities differences are a social injustice because women aren’t getting paid as well as men and they aren’t educated as much as men in all countries....
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...Assess the view that gender roles and relationships have become more equal in the modern family life The item suggests that ‘a number of changes have taken place in gender roles and relationships within families’ so in today’s society, there are a number of sociological views, which agree that change between equality has taken place in gender roles and between the relationships within the family, making it more equal. Some argue that in modern family life there is much more equality, while others think this is just exaggerated. In this essay I will assess these views through domestic labour, domestic violence in couples and through the childcare debate, to find what extent gender roles and relationships have become more equal in modern family life. Functionalist sociologist Talcott Parsons (1955) thought that there was a biological division of labour roles within the family, and that this highly benefited the family within society. He saw gender roles being split as expressive and instrumental. This means that the gender roles were very unequal as the husband would have to play the instrumental role where he would have to provide financial stability for the family, while the wife would have to play the expressive role where she would look out for the emotional welfare of the family by socialising the children and being a housewife. In 1957 Elizabeth Bott put these divisions into joint and segregates conjugal roles’. This means that the family roles were divided between a couple...
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...In-INEQUALITY FOR ALL- The movie is very well directed showing the main problem in the economy and these are the words and statements I learnt from this documentary. Inequality for all is not only making inequality but also its not equal as in this developed country like the united states of America inequality is mainly in income and wealth so because of that the poverty is increasing rapidly. If the system works as it does there might be no poverty. Like some inequality would be productive like capitalism that generates lot of good things, essence etc. When does inequality become a problem and how much we can tolerate? And an economy that will be working for. Surge to greater inequality. Economy was so dropped in 2008 there were no jobs and there were strikes for jobs and people lost their homes and many things happened with the 2008 fall out. The weighty turned to the financial sector because it was in demand and it was very booming that the richest are more towards financial sectors so to make stocks like example like Wall Street. The economy can be stable with the strong middle class because they are the one who work daily and do hard work but they never get to the 1% of them richest American’s. The rich don’t spend much but they spend less and they save money they are not generating enough jobs in other ways they just want to save more and more as it is said in the documentary rich are not wasting the money they are saving it to make more revenue. If the equality in economy...
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...Inequality refers to the existence of disparities or injustices. In the recent past to present, inequality has existed in many parts of the world; ranging from wealth distribution in the world to working conditions in organizations. These disparities have a great negative impact on the lives of people and their living conditions. In several organizations, inequality is experienced in many ways. The gaps range from the way remuneration is done, and the way promotions are offered to the way disciplinary actions are taken upon those who are involved in misconduct within the organization. Every employee enjoys a working environment where he or she is treated with fairness, dignity and respect. Through the provision of a favorable working environment, employees become motivated, and the result will be improved productivity and customer service. Therefore, a healthy working environment should be free from inequalities of any kind in the organization. The management of any organization has a huge role to play to ensure fair practices and conditions at work. This paper is going to outline the measures that can be taken by the management to ensure a working environment free of inequalities. The first thing the management of any organization can do to realize the fairness in the organization is to conduct equality trainings to all employees (Castaldo et al. 2009). All employees should be made aware of the justice issues related to resource allocation, performance appraisal, recruitment...
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...distribution of wealth. The difference is with equity, the individuals situation is coming into play but is still in the realm of being treated like everyone else. 4. Define efficiency. How does equality and efficiency differ and why? - Efficiency is condition in which all mutually beneficial transactions have been concluded. 5. What is a more accurate measure of well-being? - Work-life balance is a more accurate measure of well-being, basic neccessities to support life: such as food, water and housing. 6. Can inequality be positive for society and/or the economy? Provide a real world answer to support your answer. - Inequality can be a positive thing for both. Yes, those not being treated equally can potentially gain something from it. An example is working a 40-hour week and then working a few more hours resulting in over-time pay. 7. What are the costs of inequality? Provide a real world answer to support your answer. - A few of the costs of inequality, according to chapter two in our text, are resentment, excessive crime, too much allocation of scarce resources and skew the disbursment of political power. An example is that rich people can afford big shot lawyers and might get a different type of "justice" whereas a poor person, which, then, would be in violation of the Founding Fathers notion of equality. 8. What...
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...The topic of pay inequality between men and women in the UK has been of much interest. It has been known that men usually get paid more than women even though they both do the same job and have the same qualifications. Although there is no real justification as to why men get paid more, sociological and political factors play a part in allowing men to get paid more. According to The Telegraph ‘Women in full-time employment earn 15.7% less than men - which adds up to a pay difference of £5,200 a year between the genders.’. This illustrates that despite policies and Acts being introduced to protect the rights of men and women, men still get paid more. An exploration as to why this occurs will be discussed. The definition of inequality according to Wikipedia is ‘the condition of being unequal whether that is socially or economically’. Is it acceptable for a woman who is equally educated and experienced, if not more than a man, to get paid less for working the same hours and job role? The Telegraph also states ‘One in four women working full-time earns less than the living wage, compared to one in six men.’ Why is that women, who are often mothers, have to work the same hours as a man but get paid less? I believe sociological factors play an integral role in this as men are perceived as breadwinners and thus validates them being paid more as an ideological norm. It is often a taboo subject and society looks down upon women who are breadwinners for her family because in a ‘man’s...
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...of the countries where this declaration is not considered as truth is Iran. Up until now, especially throughout the times of the Iranian Revolution, there were various intolerances in society based on gender, education, political opinion, and economical status and this has been practiced in several ways; however, there is Marjane Satrapi, a girl from a wealthy family who had become the living witness of these inequalities during the Iranian Revolution, who later wrote a book entitled Persepolis. In her book, she comments that these types of inequities should be improved. Marjane Satrapi let us know that In Iran, women and men were treated differently throughout the Iranian Revolution. During the times around the Iranian Revolution and after the revolution, women were treated unfairly compared to men. Marjane Satrapi states in her book about the dowry system in Iran as an example of the discrimination of women. “So a guardian of the revolution marries her and takes her virginity before executing her…Traditionally when a girl gets married the husband is supposed to pay her a dowry. If the girl dies, the...
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...EURO DISNEYLAND CASE ANALYSIS 6 Cultural differences between United States and France Power distance This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal, and it expresses the attitude of the culture toward these power inequalities amongst us. Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. It has to do with the fact that a society’s inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. US The fairly low score on Power Distance in combination with the most individualistic culture in the world reflects itself in the following: * The American premise of “liberty and justice for all.” This is evidenced by an explicit emphasis on equal rights in all aspects of American society and government. * Within American organizations, hierarchy is established for convenience, superiors are accessible and managers rely on individual employees and teams for their expertise. * Both managers and employees expect to be consulted and information is shared frequently. At the same time, communication is informal, direct and participative to a degree. * The society is loosely-knit in which the expectation is that people look after themselves and their immediate families only and should not rely (too much) on authorities for support. * There is also...
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..."The Riddle of Inequality" The riddle of inequality, as Tillich explains, "...Cannot be solved." This inequality is the divider of people, of the have's and have-nots. It seems that this riddle has confused people since the beginning of time and was even discussed in the bible. People always wonder why some have more than others do; they wonder why this happens and how it can change. I believe that this riddle is natural and cannot be changed despite he best efforts of people. Tillich attributes this mystery of have's and have-nots to many factors. First is that if you were granted with inherited talents then you should use them in life to the best of your ability. But if you let them go to waste, then these talents will ultimately be taken away. It is unfair when things are taken away that we might have taken for granted due to lack of attention, such as, "...[the] intense joy and the presence of the mystery of life through the freshness of the young day or the glory of the dying day..." These things are only taken away because we do not pay enough attention to the simple beauty in life and in nature. Although all of these are examples of inequality, I do not agree with Tillich when he claims that this is due to the presence of the divine, by the choice of God. I believe inequality comes from ourselves. We may embrace, or else let it slip away. It is through our lack of conscientiousness that life becomes unequal. I attribute the basic inequalities in nature as...
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...towards women has not yet changed? However, the law has as its main motive to preserve and promote human rights, and gender equality is the crux of those rights. Gender equality does not only stand as a process of equal valuing of the roles of women and men, but more precisely, as a practice to overcome the obstacles of prejudices so that both sexes are subject to the economic, social, cultural and political developments of the society. It simply aims at equal perception, equal empowerment and equal responsibility in all spheres of life. One can be surely flabbergasted to acknowledge that achieving gender equality necessitates the presence of men; those men, because of whom, the word gender inequality came mostly into existence. Notwithstanding it is an incontestable fact that gender inequality includes both sexes, yet women are the most vulnerable to these disparities. The equality of men and women has become one of the fundamental constituent of human rights, ever since the adoption of the United...
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...have brought the two texts “Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth” and “Some more equal than others” from the book Aware of the World. First, though, I would like to briefly sum up the two texts. The first text, “Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth”, is about some studies that shows that the people of Denmark consider themselves some of the happiest people on earth. Some of the main points in the text are, that it doesn’t matter whether you are a garbage man or a lawyer, just as long as you are happy. The second text, “Some more equal than others”, is about the fact that wealth doesn’t always go hand in hand with equality as US and UK are some of the richest countries in the world, but also some of the countries in the world with most inequality. So, here we are. The million-dollar question of the evening. Does equality and happiness go hand in hand? Do any of these aforementioned points go hand in hand at all? Some might say. Some even say, that happiness complements longevity and gives you a richer life. And of course it does – doesn’t it? I think that if you are happy, and like the way, your life has formed it self, you will live longer. You will have more energy every day to do the things you like, more energy to make everyone around you happier and more energy to make yourself happy. So, if you are happy, doesn’t that make you want to live longer? Doesn’t that give you the strength to work your own ass off to live longer? I definitely think it does. The text “Denmark:...
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