Journal of Economic Geography 7 (2007) pp. 451–469 Advance Access Published on 14 May 2007 doi:10.1093/jeg/lbm010 Barriers to ‘US style’ lean retailing: the case of Wal-Mart’s failure in Germany Susan Christophersonà Abstract Wal-Mart’s exit from the German market in 2006 after 10 years of attempting to achieve sustainable competitive advantage contributes an interesting case to the small but expanding literature on ‘failure’ in international investment. The work on the disinvest decision
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The Unexpected Tax Consequences of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" Jennifer M. Nasner* TABLE OF CONTENTS 481 I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 483 FAMILY ....................................................... 1I. BACKGROUND: ONE DESERVING 485 III. UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCES ........................................................................ 486 A. Taxability ofPrizesand Awards ..................................
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1 La ciencia de la macroeconomía La ciencia no es más que el refinamiento de reflexiones cotidianas. Albert Einstein Cuando Albert Eistein hizo la observación citada sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia, probablemente se refería a la física, la química y otras ciencias naturales. Pero la afirmación es igualmente cierta cuando se aplica a las ciencias sociales, como la economía. Como persona que participa en la economía y como ciudadano que vive en una democracia, es inevitable que el lector
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The Lake Poets The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge hone his craft. Troubled by debt, though, he left Cambridge in 1793 and enlisted in the 15th Dragoons, a British army regiment, under the alias Silas Tomkyn Comberbache. After being rescued by his brothers, Coleridge returned to Cambridge, but he left again, in 1794, without having earned a degree. That year, Coleridge met the author Robert Southey, and together they dreamed about establishing a utopian community
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PRÓLOGOHace un poco más de dos años tuvimos la idea dehacer una compilación de anécdotas, parábolas, fá-bulas y reflexiones organizacionales, como unacontribución a la pedagogía de los procesos detransformación. Estábamos pensando entonces enlos agentes de cambio: profesores, predicadores,asesores, conferencistas, entrenadores en cienciasdel comportamiento y muchas otras personas quetrabajan para tocar los corazones con mensajes detolerancia, respeto, amor y paz. Así nació La cartaa García y otras
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Abstract: Aim: To search and critically review research literature, concerning management and technique of compression bandaging. Background: Compression bandaging is required for venous leg ulcers, which is due to damage and loss of skin above the ankle that is the result of a problem with the veins in the leg. Although leg ulcers are not a life-threatening condition, it can have considerable effects, not only on health, but also on the quality of life, self-esteem and healthcare cost. Method:
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GREEK MYTHOLOGY Background to Homer’s Odyssey As you read each story, ask yourself: What is most enjoyable, predictable, or bizarre about this story? How would I have responded in this situation? What mysteries or features of the world might this story try to explain? What bit of moral or religious instructions (i.e. don’t disobey the gods) might be contained in this story? How does this story compare with Christian beliefs, or with the values of our culture today?
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Tema: Te ardhurat : Njohja, matja dhe paraqitja ne bilanc Permbajtja HYRJE 1. CFARE ESHTE E ARDHURA 1.1 KUR LIND AJO? SIGURIA MBI TE DHE NJOHJA E SE ARDHURES 1.2 TRAJTIMET MBI TE ARDHUREN 1.3 MATJA E SE ARDHURES 2. RAST PRAKTIK KONLUZIONET REFERENCA Hyrje Ceshtjet qe lidhen me njohjen e te ardhurave kane qene gjithmone burim debati midis organizmave qe merren me interpretimi, miratimin dhe venien ne fuqi te standarteve kontabel. Kjo lidhet pjeserisht me faktin
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Diabetes transition Assessment of current best practice and development of a future work programme to improve transition processes for young people with diabetes. Transition in healthcare is only one part of the evolution from dependent child to independent adult (David, 2001). Submitted by Ruth Gordon, Ruth Gordon Associates Ltd to NHS Diabetes. Supporting, Improving, Caring August 2012 Acknowledgements This project was funded by NHS Diabetes and supported by Gillian Johnson, North
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UNIVERSITETI I SHKODRËS “LUIGJ GURAKUQI’’ FAKULTETI EKONOMIK DEGA: FINANCË - KONTABILITET TEMË DIPLOME INVESTIMET E HUAJA NË SISTEMIN BANKAR Foreign investment in the banking system [pic] Pedagogu udhëheqës: Msc. Rozafa (Alibali) RISTANI Punoi: Kristjana KRONAJ Qeshor 2013 FALENDERIME Ky punim është zhvilluar në kuadrin e mbylljes së studimeve të mia pranë Departamentit të Financë-Kontabilitetit në Fakultetin Ekonomik të
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