advertised heavily and incurred Rs. 10 lakh in one year and standardised the taste of its wines with considerable success. It also invested Rs. 48 lakh in a large, new winery at Ahmedabad. A Rupbani Executive said, "By 1995, consumption of wine in India will be a liter per capita, compared with half a liter today." The industry reacted to Rupbani's presence by doubling and tripling advertising expenditure. ABC and Company began a costly campaign to market premium and varied wines while reducing
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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES E‐ISSN:2320‐3137 Review Article INTEGRATING DENTAL INFORMATICS IN PLANNING AN EFFECTIVE ORAL HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM IN INDIA - NEED OF AN HOUR Eshani Saxena*1, Pankaj Goel2 , Chandrashekar BR3, Sudheer Hongal 4 , 1. P.G Student , Dept of public health dentistry ,Peoples dental academy , Bhopal 2. HOD, dept of Public health dentistry AIIMS Bhopal 3. Dept of Public health dentistry, People’s dental academy , Bhopal 4. Reader, Dept of
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by creating employment opportunities-through the following: a) For the Business- value created for the society through business (including employment generation, market growth, creating opportunities etc.) b) By the Business- value created through CSR initiatives across different operatingfacilitieswithappropriatelinkagestolocalcommunitiesinwhichtheyoperate. c) Beyond Business- value created through interventions for the communities in diverse geographies across India. The key philosophy
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success of EC Vishal Kankaria Sullivan University 4Q-CSC560X-A2-07 October 4, 2015 INTERNATIONAL BARRIERS TO EC 2 Analysis of International Barriers to EC and Their effects on success of EC Advent of internet is the founding pillar of E-commerce industry and this industry has immensely benefitted from the increased use to internet. Internet has changed the way companies do business and the way people buy, sell and organize business activities (Gary 2011). Growth of EC exploded after
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08-081 November 4, 2008 Biocon India Group Archana Kalegaonkar, Richard Locke, Jonathan Lehrich “Earn as you learn.” For 25 years this unofficial philosophy had served Biocon well. Starting out in the enzyme business in 1978, the Bangalore-based firm had gradually expanded into the pharmaceutical industry. Expertise in manufacturing enzymes led to mass production of generic drugs, which in turn gave Biocon the experience to establish Syngene, a subsidiary contract research organization
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Indian organizations: a qualitative study Fang Lee Cooke Department of Management, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and 16 Debi S. Saini Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to investigate diversity management (DM) practices in China and India by analyzing formal DM policy (if one exists) adopted by the company and informal DM practices adopted by managers. It also aims to discuss the appropriateness of the US-originated notion of, and
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DOING BUSINESS IN INDIA RODNEY SEBASTIAN ASHVIN PARAMESWARAN Australian National University FAIZAL YAHYA1 National University of Singapore In 1991, India’s closed economy opened up and attracted investments from several multinational companies (MNCs) around the world. As a result, people began to seek information about doing business in India, giving rise to a plethora of literature aimed at assisting them. Generally there are two prominent views of India. One is that India is a poor, under-developed
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are starting to gain confidence and build their businesses in Myanmar. Myanmars main exporting commodities includes natural gas, wood products, pulses, beans, fish, pulses rice, gems, jade and clothings. And its mainly being exported to Thailand,India, China and Japan . The opening of Japan's Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU) is a new milestone achieved as it is the first foreign bank to operate in Myanmar for decades. In this report, we will analyse Myanmar’s recent developments and its new
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REPORT ON HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES OF NTPC LTD AND MARUTI IN INDIA Submitted to Prof. J L GUPTA By Team: Kumar Gaurav Gholam Rabbani Ghause Vinod Jain 15PGDM04A008 15PGDM05A011 15PGDM07A016 NTPC SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (NSB) (A unit of NTPC Education and Research Society) Plot No. 5-14, Sector 16-A, NOIDA- 201301 (U.P.), INDIA E-mail:; Website: S.No. Topics Page No. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 2. NTPC HR POLICIES 5 3. NTPC IN
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Strategy & Leadership Emerald Article: Global competition 2021: key capabilities for emerging opportunities Armen Ovanessoff, Mark Purdy Article information: To cite this document: Armen Ovanessoff, Mark Purdy, (2011),"Global competition 2021: key capabilities for emerging opportunities", Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 39 Iss: 5 pp. 46 - 55 Permanent link to this document: Downloaded on: 29-03-2012 To copy this document:
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