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International Barriers to Ec


Submitted By vishalkankaria
Words 860
Pages 4

Analysis of International Barriers to EC and
Their effects on success of EC
Vishal Kankaria
Sullivan University
October 4, 2015

Analysis of International Barriers to EC and
Their effects on success of EC
Advent of internet is the founding pillar of E-commerce industry and this industry has immensely benefitted from the increased use to internet. Internet has changed the way companies do business and the way people buy, sell and organize business activities (Gary 2011).
Growth of EC exploded after the introduction of World Wide Web in 1990s (Turban 2012). Internet allowed people to exchange and transmit information both in text and pictures. According to Gary (2011), between 1997 and 2000, more than 12,000 Internet-related businesses were started with more than $100 billion of investors. This shows the sheer growth in size and volume of EC is a very short span of time.
Role of E-Commerce in
Modern Business
EC has made a huge impact on the way modern business is done. Porous geographic boundaries- EC has blurred the lines of international boundaries. Companies headquartered in USA, manufacture in China, Sell in Europe, process the transactions in India and thrive globally
Internet allows business to be conducted 24/7. There are no overtime costs or other costs to be paid. Network Effects have been felt by both businesses and consumers (Gary 2011). Law of diminishing return does not apply to EC. In fact the reverse is true. As the number of participants increase, customers get more value from bigger product portfolio, additional

INTERNATIONAL BARRIERS TO EC 3 competition among businesses etc. Businesses gain from a larger customer base, wider variety of tastes and hence a bigger space for different products and categories
EC has helped

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