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    EMBA guideline complete solutions of National Bank Limited (NBL) Early banking system served mainly as depositors for funds, while the more modern system has considered the supplying of credit their main purpose. A Bank not only accepts money or deposits but also lends money and creates its own credit, Crow her has defined a bank as “a dealer in debts-his own and of other people”. Sawyer’s states, “We can define a bank as n institution whose debts (bank deposits) are widely accepted in settlement

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    Assignment on Management Tought

    INTRODUCTION Although modern management theory dates primarily from the early twentieth century, there was serious thinking and theorizing about managing many years before. Two events are especially significant to management history. First, in 1776, Adams Smith published The Wealth of Nations, in which he argued the economic advantages that organizations and society would gain from the division of labor (or job specialization). The second important event is the industrial revolution. Starting

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    Mutual Fund

    1.0 CHAPTER 1 1.1 Introduction In recent times, small and medium Enterprises (SMEs) have come into the forefront of development agenda due to the recognition of their contribution in fostering growth, sustaining global economic recovery, generating employment and reducing poverty (OECD, 2004). But this sector is facing severe problem in financing, regulatory aspects, access to non-financial inputs. Some recent trends show that Government policies have discriminated against small-scale enterprises

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    Bond Sales for Sme Clients

    BUSINESS RESEACRH METHOD BOND SALES FOR SME CLIENTS An Action Research Study in Lecturer: Dr. Mirza Manirajah Abdullah Prepared by Student Name : Tan Saw Kien Student ID : EMBA-R-121525 I/C NO : 700707-07-5174 RIVERBANK ACADEMY SDN BHD NO 3-3 & 5-3, JALAN PUSAT PERNIAGAAN 1, PUSAT PERNIAGAAN SG.JELOK, 43000 KAJANG SELANGOR TEL: 03-87375009 FAX: 03-87395418 WEBSITE: www.riverbankacademy.com.my EMAIL: info@riverbankacademy.com.my 1 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE Executive summary Introduction

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    Assignment On- “The Evolution of Management Thought and The Patterns of Management Analysis” Submitted To: Professor Dr. Abu Hossain Siddique Department of International Business University of Dhak 9th Batch, EMBA Date of Submission: 4th July,2012 INTRODUCTION Although modern management theory dates primarily from the early twentieth century, there was serious thinking and theorizing about managing

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    HBR CASE STUDY The Customers’ Revenge Atida Motors’ decades-old complaint policy may be no match for unhappy customers who threaten to take their case to YouTube. by Dan Ariely Daniel Vasconcellos J IM MCINTIRE, vice president of customer service at Atida Motor Company, was just about to shut down for the day when he received an e-mail from his brother. “Go to Hell, Angel!” the subject line shouted. The message linked to a YouTube video. In “A Letter for Bill Watkins, CEO, Angel

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    Term Paper on Behavior Pattern

    Report on Behavior Pattern of Executives in Pharmaceutical Industry Submitted By Mahfuza Haque Papri ID #3-10-18-061 EMBA Program Department of Management Studies Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Submitted To Professor Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman Department of Management Studies Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL December 08, 2010 To Professor Dr. Ataur Rahman Department of Management

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    Cfo's Gender and Information Disclosure

    CFO 背景特征、代理成本对年报营收计划披露的影响 ——来自沪深两市 949 家上市公司的实证证据 摘要:自愿性信息披露对增强对投资者的保护、提高上市公司治理水平具有重要意义。 营 收计划是自愿性信息披露的重点内容之一, CFO 职责密切相关。 与 本文以沪深两市制造业上 市公司数据为样本,针对 CFO 的个人特征(如年龄、性别、受教育程度等)及其代理成本对 营收计划披露的影响进行了实证研究,旨在为探索影响公司自愿性披露的因素提供新的思 路,对公司治理提供一定的指导意义。 关键词:CFO 背景特征 营收计划 自愿披露 一、引言 自愿性信息披露是指除强制性披露的信息之外,上市公司基于公司形象、投资者关系、 回避诉讼风险等动机主动披露的信息(姜凡 2012) 。根据证监会 2003 年发布的《公开发行 证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第 2 号<年度报告的内容与格式>》 ,公司董事会报告 中可以披露新年度的经营计划公司,可以编制新年度的盈利预测。由此可见,营收计划的披 露本质上依然属于自愿性披露的范围, 其可控的弹性极大: 披露内容的多少以及盈利预测范 围的大小的决定权很大程度上依然集中在公司自身上。

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    Performance Evaluation of the Banking Sector of Bangladesh

    A Thesis On Performance Evaluation of the Banking Sector in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis Supervised by: Mr. Protap Kumar Ghosh Assistant Professor Business Administration Discipline Khulna University Submitted by: Golam Moktadir Student ID: EMBA-100312 Business Administration Discipline Khulna University BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DISCIPLINE KHULNA UNIVERSITY KHULNA MAY, 2013 TO Mr. Protap Kumar Ghosh Assistant Professor Business Administration Discipline Khulna University Subject: Submission

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    A Study of How Leadership Style and Organizational Culture Influence Employee Satisfaction (a Case Study at Private Higher Educational Institutions in Terengganu)

    install the SPSS software which we used as tool for data analysis. We also would like to thank to the Private Higher Educational Institutions in Terengganu for giving us the opportunity to conduct the survey. Lastly, special thank to our team members of EMBA for their support. TABLE OF CONTENT NO | TITLE | PAGE NUMBER | 1. | CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION | | 2. | CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW | | 3. | CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY | | 4. | CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS | | 5. | CHAPTER

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