When thinking of Canada, poverty seldom comes to the forefront of the mind. Indeed, the United Nation’s annual Human Development Report—which ranks countries by quality of living conditions—designated Canada as tenth place out of nearly two hundred countries (2016). However, this does not mean that poverty is not a problem—it simply indicates that Canada fares better in comparison to most other countries. More extreme forms of absolute poverty—referring to the lack of basic needs such as food, shelter
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After the Great Recession, lower and middle class Americans found themselves furiated by the rising salaries of their upper class neighbors. According to these workers, their idols’ salaries could only be attributed to their luck involving inheritances or physical appearances. In actuality, the wealthy Americans’ achievements come from their leading personality trait: grit. Striving to reach one's goals under all circumstances separates those who succeed at great measures from the average and the
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“Class in America”: Response The classes in America are considered a very sensitive subject to discuss freely amongst peers. A class in some sorts is seen as a label for how much money a person makes in their lifetime. In Mantsios’s article “Class in America” he discusses the major decline in the middle class of America and he states that the other two classes seem to be “drifting apart” (382). Yes, the middle class has been in a decline, but there is also a part of the middle class that is thriving:
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The disparities between income and economic status between races is staggering and is steadily continuing to rise. For Americans, evidence between the economic/racial differences within our economy lies within and are tied to our socioeconomic resources. Within Metropolitan areas of large cities, residential segregation is quite prominent and with residential segregation, lies a divide in socioeconomic status and the overall average income for those areas. Many studies have been conducted to observe
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2010). In 2008, inequality again rose (to a Gini coefficient of 0.52), as did poverty (World Bank, undated [c]). A 2008 report indicates not only that Mexico ranked last in income equality among all OECD countries but also that Mexico's inequality is strictly greater than that for all OECD countries across all deciles in the income distribution. That is, Mexico's income distribution from top to bottom is worse than that of any other OECD country" (Aguila, 2012, p.104-05). Figure 10.2 displays
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In this paper, I will evaluate the inequality of the New Deal and Trickle Down theory and effects.. The massive economic gap between the rich and poor has grown overtime in the US. This is due to President Reagan's economic policy in the 1980s, it was known as Reaganomics. Or sometimes called the trickle down economics. An economic theory that provide benefits such as tax cuts on businesses, high-income earners, capital gains, and dividends for the wealthy. This led Multi-national corporations
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Mexico is the 14th richest country in the world, yet more than half of its population is struggling to survive. While an estimated 53 million Mexicans living in poverty a mere one percent has 43 percent of the country's wealth at their fingertips. This however is not a new issue; Mexico has been struggling with it’s giant wealth gap for some time which can date back to the Mexican revolution starting in 1910. So why does mexico have the same problem it did 100 years ago? Mexico can partly blame it’s
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Getting closer to the presidential election of the US unemployment rate income inequality and shrinking middle class and poverty is becoming frequent words used by – unfortunately – some presidential candidate. In this paper we focus on poverty and workers. We try to investigate and explore the trend of poverty and income inequality in the US and among US workers. Everyone agrees that if a country bear a high unemployment or experience negative growth or steady and long term supply shocks, there
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Under most circumstances, public opinion would associate inequality with its negative connotation. Social and economic inequality, by its very nature, necessitates an unfairness between distinct groups of people. A variety of researchers, however, argue that this is a limited point of view that overlooks the positive consequences of stratification. Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy suggest that inequality is a necessary and advantageous phenomenon that benefits all members of a society. In support of
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touched on in a couple of earlier posts here but I wanted to highlight one piece of the argument. Marx's point here is that alienation is prior to private property and to such quantitative expressions of private property as exploitation, wage inequality, etc. “The alienation of the product of labour merely summarizes the alienation in the work activity itself.” In other words, how much of the product of alienated labor is available to the worker to consume is a secondary, and ultimately unimportant
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