Globalization In Indian Context

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    Impact of It on Society

    IMPACT OF IT ON ORGANIZATIONS "Many of the impacts of Information Technology are straightforward. But they are not necessarily obvious, nor are they trivial" (Jack Nilles, Centre for Future Research) Information technology (IT) is dramatically changing the business landscape. Although organization cultures and business strategies shape the use of IT in organizations, more often the influence is stronger the other way round. IT significantly affects strategic options and creates opportunities and

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    Globalization Note Series Pankaj Ghemawat and Sebastian Reiche National Cultural Differences and Multinational Business The eminent Dutch psychologist, management researcher, and culture expert Geert Hofstede, early in his career, interviewed unsuccessfully for an engineering job with an American company. Later, he wrote of typical cross-cultural misunderstandings that crop up when American managers interview Dutch recruits and vice versa: “American applicants, to Dutch eyes, oversell themselves

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    Cle - Legal Education

    ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- National Law School of India University Bangalore ------------------------------------------------- Contents Continuing Legal Education - Introduction 3 Giving CLE Form – Indian scenario 5 CLE in other countries 9 Concerns for CLE 11 Conclusion 14 Bibliography 15 ------------------------------------------------- Continuing Legal Education - Introduction John Grisham, the famous novelist, has remarked in The

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    The Cultural Agenda of Translation & Arabization: Aspects of the

    Express, an International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research   ISSN: 2348 – 2052 , Vol. 1, Issue 2, Feb 2014   Available at:‐     The Cultural Agenda of Translation & Arabization: Aspects of the Problems by Dr. Ali Albashir Mohammed Al-haj Department of English Faculty of Arts& humanities Jazan University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abstract Translation is activity – a cultural activity at that-intended to widen the area of human understanding and communication

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    Can India Be the Food Basket of the World?

    CAN INDIA BE THE FOOD BASKET FOR THE WORLD? N.VISWANADHAM Indian School of Business Hyderabad-500032 Abstract India can become the food supplier of the world. It has the cultivable land, all the seasons for production of all varieties of fruits and vegetables, an agribusiness system that works although it needs to be vastly improved. The single most important problem facing the Indian agricultural industry is the highly inefficient supply chain. Because of lack

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    The 5 Minds of Manager

    The . The world of the manager is complicated and confusing. Making sense of it requires not a knack for simplification but the ability to synthesize insights from different mind-sets into a comprehensible whole. Five Minds of a byjonathan Gosling and onathan Gosling and Henry Mintzberg Manage ^ ^ -^ T HE CHIEF EXECUTIVE of a major Canadian com- pany complained recently that he can't get his engineers to think like managers. It's a common complaint, but behind it lies an uncommonly

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    Micro Economic

    cartel crusade, Alan Moran. Review - Institute of Public Affairs. Melbourne:Jan 2008. Vol. 59, Iss. 4, p. 57-59 Supply and Demand Irena Asmundson. Finance & Development. Washington:Jun 2010. Vol. 47, Iss. 2, p. 48-49 Impact of Anti dumping measures on Indian Industry by Swati Jain, Sudhir K. Jain, Decision, Vol 35, No 1, January-June, 2008, p 3. The New Global Opportunity by Michael Elliot, Fortune, July 5, 2010, Vol 162, No 1, Relevant Websites Sr. No. Web adress (only if relevant to the

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    New Era

    International Conference on Technology and Business Management March 28-30, 2011 India’s Demographic Dividend - Issues and Challenges Arun Ingle P B Suryawanshi Pad. Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Institute of Business Management and Rural Development, Ahmednagar 1. Introduction India is transforming demographically, in which the population of a nation slows down and life expectancy increases, participation of women in labor force and rate of

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    Food Security

    activities. It may be noted that the slowdown in agriculture growth could be attributed to structural factors on the supply side, such as public investment, credit, technology, land and water management, etc., rather than globalization and trade reforms per se. There are six deficits in Indian agriculture. These are: (i) investment, credit, and infrastructure deficit; (ii) land and water management deficit; (iii) research and extension (technology) deficit; (iv) market deficit; (v) diversification deficit;

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    Corporate Citizenship Towards an Extended Theoretical Conceptualization

    No. 04-2003 ICCSR Research Paper Series - ISSN 1479-5124 Corporate Citizenship: Towards an extended theoretical conceptualization Dirk Matten & Andrew Crane Research Paper Series International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility ISSN 1479-5124 Editor: Dirk Matten International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility Nottingham University Business School Nottingham University Jubilee Campus Wollaton Road Nottingham NG8 1BB United Kingdom Phone +44 (0)115 95 15261 Fax +44 (0)115

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