HELP University College Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting Department of Business Studies INTERNAL SUBJECT OUTLINE Semester 3, 2011 FIN304 Global Financial Management Subject Lecturer / Tutor Mr. Mohd Jamil Jelani Telephone Fax Room Email 603-20961511 603-20957063 12, KPD Block B, Level 2 Class Contact Please refer to timetable Consultation Please call or email for appointment FIN304 Global Financial Management – Semester 3, 2011 SUBJECT DETAILS
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| | | |principles of recipe |development such as creativity; cookery| | | | | |development |styles; nutritional composition; | | | | | | |consistency of product; methods e.g. | |
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in the selection process Evaluate own contribution to the selection process Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership 1.1 1.2 LO1 1.3 1.4 2.1 Understand the styles and impact of leadership Explain the difference between leadership and management Compare leadership styles for different situations Explain ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives 2.2 2.3 LO2 2.4 Merit grades awarded Distinction grades awarded M1 D1 M2 D2 M3 D3 WLP Assignment
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declaration I certify that the attached assignment is my own work. Material drawn from other sources has been appropriately and fully acknowledged as to author/creator, source and other bibliographic details. Such referencing may need to meet unit-specific requirements as to format and style. I give permission for my assignment to be copied, submitted and retained for the electronic checking of plagiarism. Signature of student: Felix Yuwono K. Date: 22 November 2015 Background
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This pack contains tasks for discussion in lectures and tasks for preparation and discussion in tutorials. Please refer to the lecture PowerPoint slides to understand the purpose of these tasks in the lectures. Lecture 2 Task Standing on the shoulders of giants: Summarising and Paraphrasing Sources A researcher is investigating how different universities approach the issue of academic integrity. He has found the following case study on the website of iParadigms, which developed the software
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Assessment Item 2: Critical Analysis Title Romer D, Jamieson K & Aday S 2003, Television News and the Cultivation of Fear of Crime, Journal of Communication Vol 53 no 1, pp 88-104. Topic The theme of this intriguing and thoroughly researched report examines the influence of media consumption on fear of crime, punitive attitudes and perceived police effectiveness. It widely observes the effect that wide reporting and viewing of violent crime has on public knowledge and questions whether the
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ASSESSMENT FRONT SHEET Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Unit Number: Unit 24 Unit Title: Employee Relations Unit code: (F/601/1271) QCF Level: 5 Tutor Name: Email: Key dates Distribution date: 25/04/2016 Submission date: Return date: 4 weeks after submission Introduction The term ‘employee relations’ has replaced that of ‘industrial relations’ Industrial relations are generally recognized as relations between an
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Assessment Assessment scheme The assessment for Strategic management of human resources and innovation has two case studies and an on-line test. Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date On-line test (see study desk) 100 20% Friday, 18 December 2015 Case study 1 (2000 words) 100 40% Friday, 15 January 2016 Case study 2 (2000 words) 100 40% Friday, 05 February 2016 On-line test (due to be completed by Friday 18 December, 2015) Please note, the on-line test relates to
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[pic] Coursework Assignment Brief |Semester: |C15 | |Module Code: |PC209 | |Module Title: |Systems Analysis & Design | |Programme: |Computer Science/Computer
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[pic] Coursework Assignment Brief |Semester: |C15 | |Module Code: |PC209 | |Module Title: |Systems Analysis & Design | |Programme: |Computer Science/Computer
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