employee from Tommy Hilfiger said they had an 18 year old male in custody for shoplifting. I met with Tommy Hilfiger employees, one of who identified herself as Esther Vallejo. The employees pointed to a male, who verbally identified himself as John Williams, and told me he had shoplifted a pair of shorts. I advised of his Constitutional Rights from my pre-printed Miranda card. I asked Williams if he understood his rights, and he said, "Yes.". I asked Williams if he wanted to speak with me about
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“Meet at Buck’s place” found on the note were fingerprints tracing back to Sue's boyfriend Keith Silver. Keith had recently gotten out of drug rehab after possessing and using class A drugs such as cocaine and meth. When question he said he was making lunch at home when she was found dead. The next suspect
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her. She must have had another sleepless night. Frisk only seem to get a good night sleep when she was sleeping during the day. Papyrus waved at me and kissed Frisk forehead. “She still not sleeping?” I asked quietly to not wake her “No and she still refuse to tell us about what they are about” Tori said worriedly I sighed and walked over to her and ran my hand over her. She moaned a little and woke up. “Sorry did I wake you my dear?” I asked “No” she whispered I smiled “How are you dad?” she signed
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If you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Till she cry ‘Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover, I must have you!’ —THOMAS PARKE D’INVILLIERS The Great Gatsby Chapter 1 I n my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. ‘Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’ He didn’t say any more but we’ve always been unusually
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school she was thinking of how Jem and her went into the Radley’s yard, and said “I sometimes felt a twinge of remorse… at ever having taken part in what…” (324). In other words Scout is thinking how bad it would have been if she was Mr. Radley that summer. Scout is now starting to think about if she was Mr. Radley what life would have been like that summer. During everything that happened that summer, Scout never really said anything during it, but when she had time to think about it and she actually
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---------------------------------- Ruby Bates: During the testimony of Ruby Bates, she confesses she lied to them and was told by Victoria Price what to say. Ruby said she and Victoria was never raped, threatened, talked, or spoke to the Scottsboro Boys. The court also talked to her about when she testified at Scottsboro. She said that they didn’t actually have a pistol like she said. Also, she confessed she couldn’t read but signed papers to saying that the raping was true. Overall, this testimony
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the British playwright Bryony Lavery. "She said, 'Somehow it reminded me of you. You really ought to see it,'" Lewis recalled. Lewis asked Betty what the play was about, and Betty said that one of the characters was a psychiatrist who studied serial killers. "And I told her, 'I need to see that as much as I need to go to the moon.'" Lewis has studied serial killers for the past twenty-five years. With her collaborator, the neurologist Jonathan Pincus, she has published a great many research papers
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Grandma! I remember her birth. Wait, you say, no man remembers his own grandma's birth. But, yes, we remember the day that she was born. For we, her grandchildren, slapped her to life. Timothy, Agatha, and I, Tom, raised up our hands and brought them down in a huge crack! We shook together the bits and pieces, parts and samples, textures and tastes, humors and distillations that would move her compass needle north to cool us, south to warm and comfort us, east and west to travel round the endless
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Azzopardi He races to the top of the dune and looks down onto the strand. There is water and wet sand and dry sand and small pokes of sharp grass dotted along the beach. He stands on the lip of the concrete defence; looks east, to the line of groynes, then west, to the lighthouse in the distance. There's no one he can see, no one he can call to for help. Below him, the drop onto the beach is fifteen, maybe twenty, feet. He jumps because he has to, jumps out into the air, and sees as he falls one
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PATIENT ZERO Donald Roby BMC HUM2000 Abstract Patient zero, by author Tananarive Due gives us the experience of a young kid name Jay. family’s health has been inspired by his father sickness. The place he live away from the behind glass in a lab away from people and all most things a kid could experience. Jay’s father, mother and brother, and Aunt die from this devastating disease. Ms. Manigat his best friend and nurses and Dr. Ben in his life. The football player autograph. Phone call
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